So I'm buying a hobby charger, Can you guys triple check my part list?

Ok so I want to get started with a hobby charger.

Here is my parts list:

Power Supply

Twin Pack Charge Lead

Wire Extensions

Extra Clips - I got RED AND BLACK

So i need to get wire to make the custom rig as shown in BENCKIE’S Great post.

I’m guessing from my car audio days that 20AWG would be enough?

Can someone help me with say a wiring diagram so I can balance charge 6 cells at a time like that 2nd to last picture? I dont think i can see how the balance charge port works. I downloaded the manual but I want to be 1000% sure before I do it.

If there is anything else i should get at HobbyKing let me know!

Their selection of magnets sucks, but I saw those at Home Depot the other day.


If you send me a pm I can send you a pic back how I planned to hook up my newly bought 106B+ Icharger to balance charge 4-6 3400 true mAh panasonic cells. I am waiting on my battery springs (with crew hole in it) to arrive and will make a compact charging cradle for 6 cells with easy to adapt balance connections.
Later on I will post my Li-Ion adventuere on this forum.



I would stay away from Accucell… I recommend iCharger.

+ 1 :nerd_face:

The Accucel-6 that I have is very nice, and I’m sure the same applies to the Accucel-8.

The iCharger series are twice as expensive but are indeed more accurate and feature rich.

If you’re on a budget, the Accucel will be just fine.

For series charging, take this diagram into account:

With 6 cells, it’s really complicated, so I would just charge them in parallel and take advantage of the high current output.


Wow thanks for necroing this thread and answering my questions.

I really appreciate it.

My current stance is to wait for fast tech to get in some hobby chargers and see what to do. I’m always the type to buy the right one the first time but well see!

Just post it here! Knowledge is great for us all!

I’d not go for the same PSU again. It’s got a small fan that seems to run constantly and make quite a bit of noise. I’m happy enough with my Accucell, but I’m not an electronics geek, just on a budget. Everything I read suggests the iCharger is a better unit but then it should be for the extra price.

Sorry, am a bit lazy in uploading pics to an external site.
Have switched too to a system with a special PCB where the clamps are mounted at

I own a older accucel 8 and it works great. Does have the usb port for data logging. But if I had it to do all over again I would go with the icharger. If you have the extra cash thats where my two cents would go.
The newer accucel 8 does not have the usb port for data logging. So if this is a feature you wish to have, go with the icharger. My two cents. :slight_smile:

Here’s a little something I whipped up in ms paint a few years back over at CPF.

Welcome to BLF moderator007! I'll add that I have used that exact diagram in the past and it worked well. :D