So my friend in police academy asked me what lights to buy....Was hoping for some suggestions

One of my best friends is currently in police academy and he is required to procure his own flashlights. He asked me for some suggestions since I’m the flashlight idiot savant among my friends…

He needs 3 lights:

-A general purpose light to keep on his belt with a tailcap switch with momentary on
-A small backup flashlight that can be clipped to his shirt or pocket
-A trunk flashlight for extended use and searching

He’s kind of a cheapskate and I don’t think he is interested in anything Surefire has to offer, so is what I was thinking:

For the general purpose light I was thinking about suggesting either a Fenix PD32 UE or a Nitecore MH25. I’m assuming he wants to keep his purchase under $100.

I own a Nitecore MH25 and I think its an amazing light. Its got a clicky tailcap with momentary on, a nice throwy beam, can take an 18650 or CR123’s, and it can be recharged via USB, which I think is really useful. He can charge the light in his police cruiser when he is driving around, keep extra disposables in his go bag, and its compact enough that it wouldn’t get in the way. The downside to the Nitecore is that the interface for changing modes is not very intuitive or quick. It defaults to turbo mode when the body is screwed tight to the head and if you want to switch to high, med, low, strobe, or SOS, you have to twist the body and then click the tailcap. 860 lumens may be a little too much when searching a house and might ruin your night vision.

I have not owned or fondled a Fenix PD32 UE, however, I do have a PD22 S2 which is basically a scaled down version with the same controls. I like the fact that it has a clicky tailcap with momentary on, can accept an 18650 or CR123’s, and it has a soft switch up front that lets you switch between the various modes. This light has a smaller head, so I imagine the beam isnt going to be as throwy, but I dont think that matters that much. The big advantage to this light in my opinion is the mode selector up front. It is much much easier to cycle through the various modes quickly which could be useful to preserve both batteries and night vision.

Are there any other belt carry lights you guys would recommend in the up to $100ish price range that would be more rugged or better suited to the job at hand?

For the small backup flashlight, I was going to recommend a Fenix PD22 S2. I own this light and I really like it. I carry the light on me at all times and I barely notice its there. 200 lumens, comfortably clips inside my pocket with the lens facing down, momentary on, mode selector soft switch on the head. The only downside I see to this light from a police standpoint is that it only accepts disposable CR123’s. I dont really mind personally since I can buy them at $1.10 each from Botach, but as a cop, I would assume its better to have a light that accepts rechargeables since you are going to be using a flashlight a lot more than your average Joe. Does anybody know of a light that is similar to the PD22 S2 in features and lumens that can also accept an RCR123? Is there a light out there that you guys think is better suited to the task?

As far as the trunk light is concerned, my friend really likes my Fenix TK70. He likes the fact that it has insane throw, good flood, and a very very long battery life on its lowest setting. Its pretty unwieldy, but he would only be using it when he needs to do searches or needs a light for a very long period of time. I use Tenergy Centura Hybrid LSD D cells in mine, which I think would be a good idea for him too, so he would only have to charge them maybe once a month to make sure its always ready to go. I think its a pretty good choice, but I was wondering if you guys had any other suggestions here as well. I think he would like to keep this one under $200.

I realized after writing this that I am pretty much recommending Fenix across the board, but I do think they make a fantastic light for the money. I’m very open to suggestions though!


I say get him set up on 18650 flashlights they are much better than CR123. Have him get a XTAR WP2 II charger and some Sanyo 2600mah protected batteries. He can charge them in his car, charge them at home every other night, or keep spares in the vehicle.

1- SolarForce L2N w/ 2.5amp NW intl-outdoor drop-in
2- U20S or a Ti2(doesn't have a clip but it's small and bright)
3- ThruNite TN30 XM-L2

I think he would be more than happy with this set-up.

(Keep in mind this is a fairly budget-minded list but it will still be over $300 including charger and batteries.)

Carry on Belt:

Shirt Pocket Carry:

Search and Rescue (Car Trunk)


Solarforce L2N/T/P/ABCDE....


Sipik SK68/98 or similar clone.


Roche M170


Blackshadow Terminator.

or other similar 4x18650 fatties.

Think they are looking for a “wall of light” when entering a room;

The main light to carry on his belt should be easy to operate so I suggest a single mode light, not too bright to prevent blinding himself or his partner when entering a room, a XP-G at 1A should be more than enough. I would get a Solarforce L2T an a single mode XP-G drop-in.

A 502b for shirt pocket carry? I don’t think so.

For shirt pocket, Pelican 1920 it’s a great 2aaa light.

The pd32ue probably won’t throw enough for duty use, the Nitecore EC25, P25 smilodon or mh25 would be a better choice for throw.

For a Searchlight, the new Thrunite Tn31 with xml2 U2. 1300 lumens and 120k+ lux

I would second this type of setup. 8)

--I might note, that the L2N has tighter tolerance on battery thickness than L2 2011.

Otherwise, "THE" all-rounder! Can be updated or equipped for your need better later.

--For recent quality issues, I would suggest something else than Thrunite TN30 :(

L3 Illumination K40 perhaps?

What are the recent issues?

The K40 does look like a nice light.


For a belt light I believe an officer (at least the ones I talk to) is going to want 3-modes. High for general use, low for writing tickets, checking license, etc. and strobe for disorienting and signalling. They also prefer the light to always start on high and be forward clicky.

A 2.5 amp NW XM-L T6 will not blind you inside. It is also much brighter and has better color rendition than an XP-G.

how about an ea4 for a belt light? no special batteries needed.
most jobs will provide you with your batteries anyways, but not sure about PD

Solarforce L2M, compact, rugged and cheap. Also easy to replace or repair. The 2012 Edition is a forward clicky too, so will have momentary.

Get the SolarForce XM-L U2 drop in. They do a 1 or 3 mode. Nice thing is it’ll run on an 18650, 2xCR123a, 2xRCR, 1xCR123a, 1xRCR making it versatile.

I think this could be the biggest or toughest choice tbh. Something like an EagleTac D25 AA or 2AA would work well, even better with a clicky.

The Klarus RS1A is interesting with integrated charger and good output.

However these are both premium lights.

You might also want to consider a AAA (1 or 2) as a backup light and some put out good output these days and are often a lot smaller.

If they want to go cheap, tbh an SK68 or clone makes a great light this size. Versatile in the fact it’ll run on a 14500 or AA.

MagLite 3D or the new Pro with 270 lumens.

D cells will offer massive runtime, or you can run them on 6AA NiMh via adapters. The SMO reflector and large head offer more throw than many lights. Rugged, well built, affordable and built in the USA.

An alternative would be something like a Small Sun ZY-T13. Slightly more throw than the Mags and a lot more light (spill and spot size). But maybe less durable and is a 2x18650 light only.

The L2M is an awesome versatile light. I assume you meant forward clicky? That is what the 2012 one has, which is good. Also there are much better drop-ins than the ones offered from solarforce.

The SK68 is a wonderful light but it is more of a pants pocket light than a shirt pocket light. It is very bulky and heavy.

For a search light I think the officer would be at a severe disadvantage with these lights. It think he needs tons of light that will produce good throw and tons of flood. For this I would choose either a SkyRay King from cnqualitygoods or a ThruNite TN30.

What batteries is he prepared to buy? For many of these options, he’s going to need 4 - 5 18650’s + charger. If he wants spare cells (and I would, just in case) that’s 10 18650 cells. Then he needs say an xtar 6 cell charger to keep on top of them.

I do feel 18650 is the way to go, but the cells alone are going to eat $100 out of the budget, charger? Even an i4, $25 ish rounding up, and that’s going to take all night to charge the cells.

Ideally for me, I’d prefer a 26650 light in a holster on the belt - more run time but more expense and two chargers, two cell types to carry. Unless he goes 26650 for the trunk light say a tr-j12 type light.

This is really a set up to build up over time. I would also stay well clear of high output p60 set ups, just too much crap with heat build up.

I think before we can make true recommendations we need to know both what cells he’s prepared and if he’s actually safe on duty with li-ion cells.

Non li-ion, I think your spot on with fenix, costly, he’s still going to be best with tenergy/eneloops in the long run, but tenergies to feed a tk70 are not cheap…

Li-ion, I’d probably suggest stick to all 18650 lights, but maybe something like this for duty belt

Size wise, its also available as a black host kit (i have one inbound, get back to you on quality, but I expect it to be good).

Backup light, either a convoy from fasttech, xihzou from fancy flashlights or edc18650 from intloutdoor as examples.

Trunklight, possibly something like an stl-v6 if throw is a requirement, if its wall of light, as I say, something along the line of a tr-j12

Or this…. (comes with cells/charger).

Fenix TK22

You don’t want to know what the cost on shipping is for me on that….

Sorry, I was thinking TN31.

Several people here bought it on Thrunitestore discount. Some of us got them with dirty reflectors.
I had some malfunction on the control ring also. I will try to stay off Thrunite now, had to send it back for my own count (35USD) :frowning:

Indeed I did and have updated my post. Thank you :slight_smile:

Such as?

Which is why I asked and suggested a number of other lights, however if on a budget and not wanting to spend much it would do the job.

Not really no. Or put it this way I often carry an 18650 light that is bigger and heavier in my shirt pocket.

How and why?

Really? Well the Small Sun is often cited in the budget throwers threads, so it does that fine. Being an XM-L it’s quite good at lighting up a large area. But the Op did say the light for “extended use and searching”, so not a search light exactly, in fact I suspect something good outside and with a long runtime is more likely needed than the highest output possible.

The Mag certainly has extended use down to a tee and will outrun pretty much any other light mentioned so far I reckon. Also should it run out, some easy to buy D cells are all you need. And owning a couple of LED Mags I can attest they actually work well at distance and do throw quite well. So maybe not ideal or the best, but certainly a capable flashlight, durable and robust.

TN30 is pretty pricey isn’t it? Afraid I don’t know much else about it.

And the Sky Ray King I totally disagree with. It is IMO completely wrong for what is being asked for (although I still want to get one :wink: )

1. It takes loads of batteries. Making it pricey and complex to run. It also means a mass scale charging system in order to keep a plentiful supply of spare batteries. Buying the batteries and charger alone will be costly. e.g. you’d probably want a spare set of two, so 12 18650’s and a way of charging them all.

2. The SRK over heats on high and can only be used for relatively short periods of time. Which makes it a massive fail on the extended use front. Also pumping out the lumens that it does even if it didn’t over heat it’d still have a fairly short run time, even with 4x18650’s.

3. It’s a two mode only light and low has pants PWM which means if it was snowing or raining out you’d not want to use it as a search light.

4. Durability, being a high output budget light means depending on it in a true emergency might be a little foolish. At least with a Mag you get a good warranty and a proven history of it working each time you need to use it.
