So where y'all all from?

G’day from Down Under


Been doing this every Summer.

You mean there is a place other than Texas? Say it ain’t so…

lol…i’m from Canada…Ontario to be exact…just north of Toronto…

Ah yes, Canada… our northern province. :wink:

from slovakia :slight_smile:

I`m from the green grass of Wales

Texas isn’t a country, just sayin’ … :wink:

I’m from the wonderful city of Hamburg, Germany.

Houston, Texas. Home of the Texans, Rockets, Astros, Dynamo, and of course, NASA.

Born and raised on a small SUGAR CANE FARM in fiji islands ,Live in Vancouver :slight_smile:

Same as Don, I’m from pie eating country.

I also cannot believe no one has gone here,so I will……


Who says? Well, OK, it’s a republic. At least that’s what the bumper stickers say.

Bumping the thread with a picture I took when I cycled home from work today.
Standing on the bridge over the Dalälven river :slight_smile:

hmm could probably take some nice thrower beamshots from here…

Grew up in Canada, now reside in the wet and windy (today at any rate, er… most days actually !) Scottish Borders.

Welcome to the club, hurrindores!

Well, thank you kindly rc.

Sorry to say I’m only here for the knives - know absolutely nothing about flashlights (or torches as I know them). Honestly can’t believe there’s a whole website (well the majority of it anyway) dedicated to them.

Must be a lot more to them than I ever imagined :exmark:

What do you do with them anyway (apart from using one occasionally to see in the dark) :quest: - although I suppose many would pose a similar question to us knife collectors :wink:

Looks like I’ll have to stick around and find out - though I hope I don’t get hooked - got enough collectible addictions already :slight_smile:

Im from here…. Scarborough in north yorkshire, uk. :slight_smile:

Sri Lanka

awesome :bigsmile:

I live near this landmark