Any idea why the run time on low is 36hrs vs the normal 60 hrs for both the nichia and cree emitter? The copper version is 60hours, but the titanium is 36 like the ones in the drop. The one common denominator is the switch, but why would that have such a big effect on runtime on low only, or any effect for that matter?
runtime for the cree and nichia is the same, and no copper is not the only case with the long run time, the aluminum bodies also advertise 36 hours. maybe the 60 hour runtime is not real? The AL version on Amazon with the cree emitter advertises 36 hours, while the AL nichia does not quote a run time on low.
Regardless, I bought one. Finally get to try a nichia 219b, in about 2 1/2 months . . . good thing I am patient.
If you’re a flashaholic of course you get both… otherwise get the Nichia, it’s nicer and you probably have a good number of lights with CREE emitters in them.
while you are waiting, you could buy a copper one too, these are MLH
Discount codes and link deleted, Ive been informed Im not supposed to share… sorry… contact Freeme and M4D M4X and Pablo and Banggood
try not to get too caught up in printed runtimes, buy for the Nichia
try not to get too caught up in the packaging. When the copper ReyLight arrived, it had no box either, just the same plastic case Lumintop uses for the Maratac. The group buy is a way to pay less, boxes cost extra.
I did end up buying this light, thanks for the tip. (maybe I am not so patient after all . . . .)
Actually, I bought 4, one to keep and 3 to sell or give to my sons. It has shipped, so I am hoping a couple weeks it is here. I payed the extra $1 for faster shipping, seems like others had success with this.
I already have 2xAl, 2xCu and 2xTi versions of the Tool so I`ve bought 2xbrass at Massdrop
A Tool brass for 30$ with shipping to Germany…….thats a steal!!!
while you are waiting, you could buy a copper one too, these are MLH
Lumintop Copper Tool AAA Nichia 219 (link is external)
$22.99 Code: NMCJ
I want to say Thank You Jon Slider for the best CC I’ve seen in quit some time,
I’m a patina maniac and always on the hunt for good coppers and I just used your awesome code to stock up on Lumin’s … that is really unbelievable.
Thank you much…
I think I’m waiting for the lumintop version with MHL. Although I’d be pretty angry with myself if it never gets made and I miss the oppoturnity to complete the collection.
Banggood has the tool I saw yesterday for $15 in black, I think that is MHL, don’t hold me to it but just tried one of mine and that is what it is… I like that start in mid also,
OK, just checked for you and it’s MHL, here’s link, Lumin Tool Black $15 It’s a no option though, it’s XP-G2 R5
I think Benjy is asking for the Brass Tool in MLH, With Nichia
fwiw, the Black Tool w Nichia is just $21, these are MLH
btw, I have confirmation that the Black Tool w Nichia head will lego with the older Black Maratacs…
Now back to the Brass Tool w LMH modes, and btw Low will be 3 lumens, not 1.
One advantage of the Electronic switch is that it is very quiet, so as a nightstand light, used for a late night bathroom run, it is less likely to wake up a sleeping spouse. The mechanical switch is very loud, and would not be a good choice for that application. As a nightstand light, I also think Low first is an advantage… no need to fist the light and do multiple clicks to get to Low.
However, clearly all these details are of little significance to the Massdrop group buy, over 2800 people have advanced the money to finance the run of Brass Tools, that is still more than 2 months from shipping… In fact, I think Lumintop played it brilliantly… they dont even have to start funding the manufacturing process until the drop closes next week, and Massdrop delivers advance payment for a rather massive run. Generally I think the special Tools are made in batches of 500… a sort of minimum order for Lumintop to print a run…
Brilliant social media marketing campaign on this Brass Tool… a flood of “reviews”, lots of chatter in multiple threads, and a really attractive price, in an exotic metal, With a Nichia option… I suspect there are going to be a lot of these available for a long time in the resale market also…
Your welcome Benjy, Jon explained that was most likely what you weren’t wanting anyhow, don’t know many people that interested in just a ano tool really so not sure why I bothered mentioning it, momentary lapse in reason I think.