Hello to everibody and thanx in advanced and sorry for my bad english.I recently bought two Sofirn light, sp36BLF AND sp10v3 with included cells.
I bought also a (hope)good charger: vapcel s4plus.
I would like to buy some better battieries and I dod some resercj om my own but I am a completely dummy in that field.
I spot a good capacity 14500 button top but with a relative low current discharge (Keeppower 14500 1100mAh (protected) - 2A
And just one better but hardly available here in europe vapcell 10H(I can only
Find in top flat shape or crasily expensive from aliexpress or oversea)
If am I right 3A should be perfect for my little vp10 but I am a little afraid 2A could be not in turbo mode.
About the bigger sister, sp10v3 i spot a LG INR18650-MJ1 3400mAh - 10A Met Button Top.
I own some molicel p28 too for my ecig but It is flat top so I’m pretty surr it wouldn’t works.
Could you please reccomand some good cells for my light and/or if i should easily buy more cheap sofirn rewrapped?
Sofirn batteries are average. They normally charge $2 for the battery when you buy the light at the same time. For $2 they are ok. They are by no means high performance batteries.
I’ve generally had good luck with Sofirn/Wurkkos rewraps, so when a light has the light-only and light-with-kit option, I go for the latter.
Eg, I’ve been trying to run down a DL40 to review it, ie, put some decent mileage on it to become familiar with its high points and quirks, and the pair of 5000mAH 26650s both clocked in at about 5300mAH each, very close and consistent between capacity tests.
And the light’s hella bright, so they can put out the juice no problem. But after a loooooong time using it in real life, I barely made a dent, as they’re still at 3.7V each.
Soooooo, if you can get ’em in the kit, do it, and don’t look back. Unless you got a really high-strung light with crowbarred-FET driver and every mΩ counts, and have eerily beyond-human vision and can discern the imperceptible difference in brightness, just go with it.
Ie, going crazy with magic cells only really counts on paper, and not in the real world.