Sofirn C8F host. 21700 C8F Available

And over 7A will make XP-L’s very unhappy, even the new XP-L2’s will have a problem with 9A+.

I can try one on a sofirn triple but I would reslly be surprised if the emitters survived…

I know you have the talent but for us mere mortals it will will very difficult to squeeze over 21 A out of a single li-ion with the voltage that XP-L’s require, XP-L2’s have a lower voltage but more than 27A ??

Well “inquiring minds want to know” and in my case I AM wanting THE best (not necessarily the “hottest”) battery to run my C8F hunting builds (using XLP HIs and shaved XPLs) to direct drive them (no driver, just a board with a spring on it so 100% direct driven) via Lexel’s FET switch (on a pressure switch). Lexal claims the FET can manage 20A. Would this new beast of a battery exceed that at 3V with these three emitters?

In a preliminary test with rested cells the 30T won’t blow XP-L emitters in a triple configuration. (This is a Sofirn triple, with 3 different tint XP-L’s)

About to check fully charged cells but I don’t expect to see a lot of change. I got 15A with the cell under 4V. The 30Q I use showed me 10A, also well under 4V. So now I am about to check again…. with freshly charged cells.

Edit: The fresh charged cells showed 15A from the 30T and 10.9A from the 30Q. So there is substantial gain to be had from the new leading cell but in this case it is still safe. A single cell configuration probably wouldn’t be, maybe the SST-40 or XP-L2 couldn’t take a single cell configuration, but so far triple is working. I’ll test a triple SST-40….

Edit II: I only get 22.6A from a single 30T running three SST-40’s in my SupFire M6.

Edit III: I get 21.4A to 4 XP-L2 in a Q8, again from a single 30T. 25.2A from 2x 30T’s. :wink:

These 30T’s are showing around 12-14mOhm on my C4-12 MiBoxer charger.

Excellent info Dale… it looks like in my C8F DD builds, that this might be the cell I was pondering to use with the XPL HI or XLP (shaved) triple LEDs then :wink:

And as my spring pig hunt didn’t make, looks like I’ll have some time to shop it for fall too- maybe prices will come down a bit :wink:

Good thing there is still 100 lbs of pig (and more deer) in my chest freezers ;).

Getting away for a moment on the battery tube size debate, I’ve been wanting to post this question here for a while…

Has anyone done (or tried) a single emitter in the C8F host?

I was thinking it could be possible with a TIR optic.
I measured 15mm depth between the MCPCB shelf and lens. Have to check somewhere for maybe a 13x39mm optic (if such a thing exists).
EDIT: I re measured and could probably fit 40x16mm or around 14mm height to keep the glass lens.

Discussion on this began recently in this thread: Are there any C8 type hosts with side switch? (single LED) - #9 by beam0

Thanks for testing. It’s good to see they survived. :+1:

You bet Jason, just don’t understand why they pump 48A into my 3 70.2’s and are so restricted by the XP-L’s and SST-40’s? Seems odd, but there it is. I even tried 2 (both that I have) 30T’s on the Q8 with XP-L2’s and it does about 5A more at 26.2 or so.

Great cell, albeit expensive and relatively low capacity at 3000mAh.

12 ohms resistance? Wow!

Does that pork taste the same as domesticated pork? I would imagine less fat. No?

Beam0: Mouser has a few single optics that might work, like this one.

OT for a bit here (from a 7th generation cattle rancher from Texas)…

Better taste, but plenty of fat.

Given a healthy diet of field corn and other good stuff in N. Texas, the % “fat” (and even more important- the tenderness) is more a function of genetics. Just like range beef for further example: It’s a false assumption (around for a LONG time now) that the best cows are fed loads of corn for the best flavor and tenderness— both not empirically correct.

Yes, massive feedlot levels the last 60 days in— DO add fat, but not necessarily in the right places. BTW: that fat it does add is pushed so fast the Omega 3 (Very Beneficial) content is replaced with mostly Omega 6 (NOT beneficial). There is marbled fat (in cattle more than pork) as in Prime cuts, then there is just fat on the corners of the butchered cuts in Choice and Select cuts. Unfortunately, the “fat bi-product” market for the lesser, high Omega 6 meat has kept feedlots in biz lately selling plenty of “lesser quality” product over-all.

Where range finished beef is starting to (finally) over-come it’s negative connotations regarding tenderness and taste. When it comes to it, in the end— genetics rule. What we do with them is the problem (or solution) :wink:

With wild pork, the same applies: some are tougher; then others are amazing tender. Last fall we bagged a 250 lb. sow, she had 3” of fat around the back flanks (that is amazing for a referral pig!). Her back straps tasted fantastic— better than any market pork I’ve had in a while. But I eat plenty of market pork too— just depends on the recipe!

Any problems with trichinosis or any other parasites?

No, they tend to be as healthy (arguably more healthy) than a feed lot pig. I don’t get my daily dose of antibiotics either. Of course, like ALL pork, you do want to cook it properly (nothing too rare, but a little pink in a slow smoked back loin keep sit nice and juicy!) Man, now I’m hungry! :smiley:

:+1: 250 lb pig is good size animal. What’s the backup weapon?

Grenade launcher?

I wouldn’t want one getting near me…

We were at a bird refuge on the Texas coastal bend, up on one of their observation platforms. In the distance, working its way from a small barrier island, across a small channel, and then up onto the beach was a huge lumbering form. My first reaction was “Grizzly!” but then remembered where I was. It was a feral hog, a huge feral hog. It may well have been the king of all the feral hogs.

Thanks, that’s a good start but it’s only 35mm dia.

Its height (16.5mm) is real close, might work without the glass, depending the height of the mcpcb and emitter base/gasket etc.

I did find this guide there that was informative:

I took another look at the C8F and could possibly go as big in diameter as 39-40mm at the very top edge, tapering down from there.
39.5 is the dia. of the stock triple reflector where it fits into the top edge of the light.

This was on the v1, I think they’re the same, but I couldn’t pull the reflector out of my v2, not sure what’s holding it in there? When I try to rotate it slightly I can see the whole mcpcb is rotating with it.

If you had a big slingshot, you could launch a bunch of those birds at it. :smiley:

No need, shot her at 120 yards on the hoof. But when we go in at night up ravines and tighter places… we have plenty of 6.8 ACP in the clip. Worst case (a sow with pigglets) at close range, I have a 10mm in the holster.

Thankfully, I’ve never needed back-up :smiley:

@DB Custom, the reason 21700 can’t push 40A through XP L2s, while the XHP 70.2s can be, is probably because of the higher voltage of the cells in series, lowering the resistance of every point in the circuit, meaning you can easily get get twice the amperage flowing through the emitters if the cells are capable of it.