Sorry bout this...
You can find DEL's 17 mm OSHPark driver in DEL's driver thread - always bookmarked by me, best drivers, he's the one originally coming up with the driver designs used in the Q8, GT, used by TexacAce, Harley, Lexel, etc, etc.... DDm-17 driver here:
Ye - think I'm using the same LED's from Arrow.
Also, TomE… did your short problem cause your driver to not ramp down by chance??? I have a few drivers from Lexel I’m having problems in this host with-- they won’t turn off or ramp below about 25% (or so) output; so we are wondering why still. Just a long shot to ask you here. Thanks again.
Hhmm, no. With the short problem, just wouldn't turn on only when mounted. Worked fine dangling in air. The clearances are extremely tight cause the driver's ledge is a bit too wide, or the driver SMD's mounted too close to the edge, one or the other or combo of both. The retaining ring provides solid contact so the underside ground ring connecting to the shelf is not needed.
Sounds to me like the 7135 is always ON. Weird - dunno enough bout the driver design, build, or exact firmware rev so can't help much.
Dunno - looked on OSHPark for Lexel's drivers - no hits. Either he doesn't make them public or is using another service - dunno.