sofirn hs20 vs sofirn25LR (+amber/deepred mod)

Hello guys,

What I am looking for:

-single 18650 headlamp, not L-shaped

–2 LED colors (deep red and amber seperatly useable).

-Lumen output: enough to see the trail during nightruns
(I don’t need a lot of light, usually I run in the dark, but in pitchblack forests I need a little bit. A very cheap bike rear light did the job very well in the past).


Just buy sorfin 25LR. The sst20 deep red LED should be good for runs.

Pro: easiest option. Just pay 20.99$ +shipping/taxes= 32€
Con: no amber light, only 1button, not elevated light source


Modify sorfin 25LR.Change LH351D with Cree XP-E amber.

Question: What is the difference between amber vs amber pc?
Is there an “easy” solution to change the fwd voltage? Would I need a complete new driver or would it be enough to change some resistor values on the MCPCB?
Should I consider another amber LED (Luxeon C or Rebel maybe?)

Pro: amber and deep red lights,
Con: soldering/reflow needed, troubleshooting might drive me crazy


Modify sofirn hs20. Change whites with amber/deep red. Use micropuks to power LEDs seperatly.

Question: Would the headlamp become more energy-efficient if I would use a linear driver (only on-off)? Is a linear driver even an option with 18650 and those LEDs? Any other suggestions?

Thank you in advance,

(I am a beginner in electronics, I consider myself capable to solder/reflow LEDs, but I would need a step-by-step introduction for everything more complicated. However I think my stepdad could help me (electrician), but I want to try it myself, first).

Again. ;)) Why not to use ordinary warm white light but in low low mode?

Hello Quadruple,

I prefer red/amber to not disturb the animals in the forest.
It also feels “warmer” in winter and you get that “special forces” feeling during your runs, which kind of boosts performance.

Option 2
Modify 25LR with Cree XP-E amber

good luck w your amber experiment

I like my D25LR. How about putting an amber filter on the white side? Much easier than soldering, although I think you would have fun learning how to do it. Some fiddling will get you the amber color you like.

Edit: Boaz has some filters here:

Maybe try this LED?

I would buy the bare XP-E2 Amber LED

What about own safety? ;))

Yes you are right, I’ll order the 25LR today. It is cheaper&saver, because if for what ever reason I can’t manage to make that amber LED work I still have a red headlamp.

For those in europe, what’s the fastest delivery site for germany? Aliexpress or (USA or china?).

Has anyone a (working) coupon code for me?

Thank you jon_slider

It’s funny Quadruple, but running (on the road) in the dark is actually saver than during daytime. During the night you can see the cars from far away and through the trees in curves, especially if your eyes are dark adapted/ you use no/a deep red flashlight.

For my own visibility I have reflectors.

Yesterday night I met a cow on the road, thought it was a biker and felt uneasy because it did not move.

Amber LEDs:

-cree xp-e2 (only difference to cree xp-e is that the xp-e2 uses
silicone carbide technology = sc3)
I think this LED is also used in the weltool 7-AM flashlight, which has a really beautiful and even beam.

-Luxeon C /Luxeon Z /Luxeon Rebel
have strange sizes (2x2mm / 1.3x1.7mm / 4.61x3.17mm) and are unsuitable to replace a 3535(35mmx35mm) LED.

-amber vs amber pc
Amber has 590nm and is used for turtle and wildlife friendly applications since it is invisible for most animals.
Amber pc (=phosphor-converted) uses yellow phosphor on a blue LED and therefor is more pale (amber-white).

-Osram KY CSLNM1.FY sounds like a great option, I’ve read some good reviews about that LED. Also it is a 3030 size I’ll definitely give it a try.

LH351D samsung (35x35mm) will be replaced by an amber LED


Just don’t forget to mod flashlights white led channel output otherwise you will burn your orange led. I ques you need to solder similar value resistors like red channel have.

I don’t understand the difference of anduril vs non-anduril flashlights but I guess the pwm circle doesn’t match?

With “overclocking” I meant that the max voltage is too high for a red LED (?)

you will know once you install the LED, whether it produces useful mode spacing with that driver, or at least one useful mode.

Just do it, and share your results.

Good photo!

I did not know you can use 3030 on your 3535 mcpcb… I would stay w 3535 options

good luck w your reflow… it looks like it will be pretty simple, as long as the other components dont move. Some people put Kapton tape over components they want to keep in place…

depends whether you plan to heat the whole mcpcb on a hotplate… or you might just use spot heat from a soldering iron, under the 3535 solder pads…

I look forward to your AmberRedSuccess :wink:

Just discovered some E21A 2000k beamshots…tempting

Dedoming LH351D 2700K you’ll get about 2400K or even better dedomed nichia 2700K 519A.

3030 and E21a solder pads are different than 3535:
stick with 3535 LEDs


ordered the sofirn25LR.

I discovered a video on reddit, where someone swapped a white ST20 with a XP-E2 amber. (Wurkkos WK40)

IT seems to work well except on turbo it goes blood-orange.

XP-E2 seems the way to go.

Once I have the MCPCB out, I’ll decide what to do next.
Maybe make a custom MCPCB?

We’ll see…

Until then thank you all for the support and input.

This forum is great

Take in mind that native Amber Leds have narrow band light at ~560nm with CRI 0. I dislike them.
Go for PC Orange Leds