My favorite Sofirn light last year was the SP36, and this year it’s the SC31 Pro. Best budget Anduril light in my opinion. The only fault I found so far is that battery voltage reading is off by 0.2V.
I’ll buck the trend and say my favorite “small” Anduril Sofirn light is still the IF25a. I feel bad I broke the first post on it without a proper review— just 4 months ago BTW. It is SHORTER than the SC31 Pro by about a 1/2” and not much heavier or wider than the SC31 Pro… and it runs on a 21700 high capacity (4800mAh) battery VERY nicely
That said, I have TWO SC31 Pro lights with another (5K) due any day now. It really is a super light and worth all the good feedback we are seeing here. But aside from a front pocket (tight) tuck light where the SC31 Pro is a natural “fit”… given a choice- I’d take the IF25a over the SC31 Pro in the 6.5k model (where I’d use it outdoor).
For INSIDE light… I am thinking I’m going to really like the SC31 Pro in the 5k when I finally get it and in that capacity it may “trump” (no political pun intended I assure you) the IF25a for that use. Oh yes, I DO have the IF25a in the 4k and it’s a great beam of natural light for sure… I’ll know which I prefer when I get the SC31 Pro 5k in and compare.
Eagerly awaiting to receive my shipment of both versions (5k and 6.5k).
Absolutely love the feature of the programmable AUX LED on my Sofirn BLF SP36 & IF25A.
Also love the breathing AUX LED on the non-Anduril SC31B.
Has anyone changed the clip to the Astrolux S1/BLF A6 clip that could post pictures?
Just got the light yesterday. Very impressed! Would like a warmer tint but the 6500K version is OK if a bit on the cool side for me. Andruil is very nice.
AFIK, the default moonlight is the lowest. I believe I also configured it for 1. Still a bit high for a moonlight for me. That is my largest complaint.
I said this was going to be my last flashlight for a long time;-) OTOH, I may have to go for a 5k version and gift this one. It really does everything I want.
Can’t wait for someone with the equipment to do a full review with output and run time charts!
Does anyone know how reliable the thermal regulation is? Was playing with it last night and left it at the top of the ramp for a couple of hours or so. Seemed to be fine. A rather amazing amount of light for a great run time. Would like to see what it looks like in a chart. My eyes are easily fooled. That said I think that the top of the smooth ramp is truly a remarkable achievement. Seems to me that it gets sustained significant output on par with much larger lights that have better heat dissipation.
Yea that is the great thing about andruil. At first I kept if off stepped mode because of that. Now I have it so that the floor is the same in both and use stepped.
I wanted to test a TIR on SC31 Pro but so far the bezel is not budging. I have some lid grip rubber pads that usually do the trick, but not this time. I don’t want to resort to tools that will mar the finish. I also tried heating up the head to 70C by removing thermal limit, in case the heat would help break the glue. Still wouldn’t budge. Any other suggestions? Stupid glue…
The pine board method works well - I removed several bezels using this technique that I couldn't budge with other methods. This light probably could be done with one board and a strap wrench. But I would try the "gloves" first. The gloves worked for me with this light in breaking the blue glue seal. Think I bought mine at Lowes - this is my 2nd pair, first pair lasted a few years:
This one goes back to 2014:
This is a variation used of the pine boards for a GT Micro:
This A6 clip holds the light tight although it's not 'square' to the light and even teeters when clipped to a thick material. Positioning the clip tip on the charging port cover keeps it down and inside the pocket & improves retention. It's better to pull the light away from pocket then slide out v's just sliding it so as not to displace the rubber cover.
I prefer the clip style of a Nitenumen light (although probably not the originator of the design)
Here it is from turbo (I just read your post closer and can run it at top of ramp later). This graph is adjusted to what manufacturer says is the max output:
I haven't adjusted the temperature setting as it came to me. I believe step-down is around 39 degrees Celsius.