Sofirn SC33 Review & Comparison with Wurkkos TS22, Convoy M21B XHP70.3 hi & Acebeam P17

Hello everyone. Here’s my review on Sofirn SC33 & Comparison with Wurkkos TS22, Convoy M21B XHP70.3 hi & Acebeam P17. Thanks for a good place to share content. :blush::pray:

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I was anxiously awaiting a video review of this new light. Thank you for the great review and comparison. Is the reflector in your M21B comparison sample SMO or OP?
I’m wondering why Sofirn didn’t go with a smooth reflector for a little more throw. My Thrunite TC20 Pro w/XHP70.3 has SMO reflector and a great beam.

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M21B uses op reflector sir. Normally 7070 leds with no dome + smo reflector may cause a slight dark spot in the beam. So to get a good clear beam, op reflector is a good solution. However, it’s possible to get good beam from smo reflector if the gasket has the right size and thickness + a proper smo reflector. Thanks for watching sir :blush:. Please subscribe :pray:.

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Why is the SC33 still not available.