VERY good experience! Extraordinarily fast shipping, especially since they say 15-39 days arrival time. By Slow Boat from China? I paid like $2.25 extra for tracking and insurance…anyway, I checked the box, but didn’t see it on my invoice, so??? Very good general tracking info.
I ordered the light based on what I read on the Forum…how good can it be for ~$14 USD? No idea yet, but it looks well-made, the modes are easy to access…except Strobe. Had it once, can’t find it again. O well, don’t have much use for it, except maybe calling in an air strike on a pesky neighbor… :person_facepalming: No insructions in the box, but compared to my 4/7s 2AA Quark, the modes are simplicity itself to access, and well spaced. I leave my Quark where the Quark lady told me to when she talked me through the set-up…dim and brighter! I have considered epoxying it!
Durability? Who knows? It will become clear eventually. TRULY a Budget light! Happy!
NOW: Trying to decide between the Nitecore MT 2 A and the Fenix LD22 The side switch doesn’t impress me much, it’s seems like just something to fail at an inopportune moment,.but according to a Forum member, it may not be as touchy, and unlikely to do something I don’t want to happen. Decisions, Decisions! I will take 2 of my “budget” lights to Hawaii with me, in case the unthinkable happens in Paradise, and they get stolen!
It appears that the Sofirn SF13 is a 2 x AA pen light that has four modes (plus a hidden strobe) and mode memory. The mode memory is what kills it for me.
one thing you'll notice is their emitters are still cool white but boardering on the top edge of NW .Side by side with a CW you'll notice that they're nuch nicer . I don't know if Sofirn stumbled into a better tint emitter or if they actually sought them out . they aren't a super tint but compared to most the garbage out there these days they are a welcome change .
I got one of these on sale a few months back. I don’t use it much, nor did I expect to, but it’s a nice, bright, AA backup light. I’d prefer it not have mode memory, but it’s acceptable in this case.
Well, it’s been a handful of years since I bought the Sofirn, and it is a good light! Still in use, and I actually like it better than my 4/7s Quark or my Fenix E20.
Of course, “new and improved” has raised its head several times since I purchased any of my lights, but they just keep perking along, as I rotate them for use.
My wife is now using the Underwater Kinetics eLed I bought years ago…my first “good” light. It was rather dim, and yellow. Funny story about that…I had Cataract Surgery and replacement lenses done, and lo and behold, the yellow tint disappeared, and the light is now a lot brighter, and whiter!
Nowadays, my MagLight 3 C cell, the G.I. MX/991/U angle-head which have received LED drop-ins from somewhere and my old MagLight 3D cell that I rewired to put a bright LED and heatsink in, don’t get much use. I like the smaller lights! Now, I’ll just look, to see what there may be that’s interesting out there.
It looks like this model is no longer (or not currently) available.
I was hoping to pick up a few more. I want some brighter lights that I can run on a variety of cells, including lithium primaries for my emergency kits.