Hi, broke my SP33 v3.0 glass about half a year ago and cannot fine a replacement for it, ordered one from Ali that is suppose to be exactly for SP33 but it was way off, coming at 30.0x2.0mm and it is way too small, from this thread - Review + Video: Sofirn SP33 V3.0 (26650, XHP50.2 3V, bright allrounder)
I figure out it has to be 32.9mm OD and not sure where to buy it, maybe someone can help.
I recommend you to contact the Sofirn store on Aliexpress. Ask them for a SP33 glass lens. Maybe you need to purchase a flashlight or pay for the shipping but they will send you exactly the glass lens you need.
Once I needed a SP36 glass lens and I received one without a problem.
Idk how thick it is, but esslinger is usually the place to go if Sofirn doesn’t have any.