Greetings all.
Acquired a sofirn SP36 Pro recently, all good so far but one oddity;
the blue charge status LED's often light up when it's switched on at brightness over c. 60%, or after it's switched off (and then stay on for a short while, 10-20 secs) for no reason that I can discern.
At first I thought it was the batteries reaching their fully charged voltage when ever they warmed up after being charged and triggering the firmware, but it persists at pretty much any voltage/charge. It also seems to be happening more as I use the torch.
It's not something that bothers me in and of itself, just slightly concerned that it might indicate a worsening fault, particularly as it's happening more and more consistently with time.
Anyone else get the same thing?
ETA >> using advanced UI, the only change I've made is to stepped ramping, 10 intervals.