Sofirn SP70 Alone $50, PM for AMZ US CODE(LIMITED)

+1 to all… especially the “Request”…. . :wink:

I assume it will use a retaining ring and no glue. I don’t think any Sofirn light is glued. Has anyone heard of them gluing?

Nope…. but we sure don’t want to start now. :wink:

I think Sofirn decided to go with only a NW emitter, no CW. So I probably won’t be buying one. :weary:

Anyway, they have most of the UI sorted out, but added a few strange changes. I’m trying to get that smoothed out.

It looks like it will have a Strobe, Beacon and SOS mode activated by a triple click. They wanted a triple click to strobe, then single click to cycle to the other blinkies and then another triple click to turn them off. I suggest press and hold to cycle and then a single click for off. The same way Group 1 modes work. They are worried it might take too long to access SOS or Beacon. I said no one is in a rush for those. Lol. If it takes 2 or 3 seconds, thats fine.

In order to make it simple to switch from one group to the other I suggested 5 fast clicks from standby. That way you don’t have 2 different procedures to change groups depending on what group your currently in. 5 clicks in either mode. They are worried 5 clicks is too hard, but I think it’s easy. Plus I doubt people will be switching mode groups very often. Maybe a bit at first to see what best suits their needs, but then they will probably leave it alone like with the Q8.

The rest of the UI and the brightness level spacing are all good.

It seems it will also have a removable tactical ring by the tail.

Oh, and it will have a clear button like the Q8. So you will be able to see the leds behind it well.

I will wait until Sofirn is ready to announce all the details and the price. I think everyone will like the group buy price. No, it’s not free, but it’s very reasonable.

JasonWW thanks for keeping the UI half decent. If they want it to sell they will listen to what you have to say…

Hm? Actual gold color? Which light(s)?

I’d kill for an actual yellow-gold colored light…

Like a gold Cylon… so kewl.

Here is the gold I saw.

A solid yellow light would be cool, with “EMERGENCY” written in red on the side :laughing:

I think this size flashlights too serious to have red…blue…gold… other color. It look better in black or dark grey.

why mix up the commands from narsil?
I don’t need strobes nor SOS.
What I regularly do is check the batteries

3 klicks for battery check is quite reasonable.
And 4 clicks for electronic lock out too.

2 clicks for turbo
1 click for on and off.
Everything what I use most has less clicks.

You can hide strobe under click, click, hold. Then advance to sos by double click.

Why does every manufacturer come up with his own rubbish commands?
It is my most reason to not buy a lamp!!

Yes that hit the point.

Yes that hit the point.


It may be too much trouble to rewrite someone else’s firmware to work on their own driver. So why not copy the driver, too? It may add too much cost.

Other than that, I really don’t know. Maybe it’s a pride thing?

Mostly they want to use cheaper components. An Atiny85 cost them too much, they try to shrink code and nothing works good.

Tom and Toykeeper program and USE lamps so long they know what works and what sucks in real life.
Wheras others are programmer with only a job and don’t use their stuff.

Sometimes I have the impression they treat UI like a door handle: “Let’s try something new. Let’s wrap it in barbed wire!”

The 1 to 4 click commands from Narsil / Andúril are really good and practical.
Manufacturers can use 5, 6, …

I don’t think this is the case this time. They want there own firmware so they can use it on other lights so the UI has to be interchangeable within Sofirn lights. Plus they already have there own ramping UI so its easier for them to just improve on that. I am sure we can still change the UI if needed. We will wait till some one gets a review sample.

Actually gold is not bad. I would love to add gold to my collection. But for sure flat black like on the C8F will be good for most people.

Clear anodizing like this would be great too.

The SP32A 2.0 just arrived today to me. It has glued bezel and driver.

Seems like good progress being made.

:person_facepalming: :person_facepalming: :person_facepalming: