Is there a solar battery charger that anybody recommends could be useful at my camp ?
Is there a solar battery charger that anybody recommends could be useful at my camp ?
12v or 5v usb?
For 12v I guess ,want to charge flashlight batteries
I would go for 5V and use the xtar mc1.
There is a thread over on CPF that actually turned out pretty good on solar charging It mainly revolves around the Sunkingdom 5W-13W 5V USB panels and the XTAR MC1 Plus. Real world results discussed, not some inflated specs or expectations. If it were me, I would with get as large a panel as the budget would permit, but everybody’s definition of camping is going to be different (e.g. backpacking or caravan/RV).
cottonpickers stuff seems to be liked over there too.
I used to sell AE (alternative energy)..... If you are looking for may want to consider the inverter generators. Not only can you charge your batteries but you can also use as backup power when you need....and more than solar can provide.
I’ll check that out,thanks