Solarforce Hosts and Parts

Where is the best place to buy solarforce hosts? I’ve searched quite a few threads and on the web and can’t really come up with much. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I usually get mine from Solarforce direct from China, Best prices and super cheap shipping. But about three weeks to ship here.
If you want USA dealer try:

Is this place any good?

That is the official Solarforce sales in China! :wink:

Cool, thanks.

All of my Solarforce hosts and parts are from their Hong Kong site.

Check out the “deals” they post on the What’s New page. Usually updated weekly. Make sure you pay the $2 for parcel tracking. I have put in about a dozen orders and all arrived on the East Coast USA in about 8 days give or take one day. 4 days to get to NYC customs and then 3 or 4 days to me depending if it goes over a weekend.

There are some places that have Solarforce items but their prices are marked up over retail. Other places have fake Solarforce stuff, but a lot of the fakes are gone now.

Placed my first order direct to the HK site. Paid $2 for shipping, was trackable via USPS website.
Arrived in 1 week. Amazing deal really. 2 items packed in a paper envelope,which didn’t impress me.
The body was in a regular box and tray type package, and the drop in was in a cool screw top plastic
canister. Both items were undamaged and really nice quality.

Welcome to the forum filedog. Be sure to read up on solarforce mods and don’t be shy about questions.