Solar's 4th Annual BLF / Old Lumens Scratch Made Light Contest entry

Well, I have decided to throw my hat into the ring, handmade class. I budgeted 30 dollars for my build until I read Old Lumens blog. He and his bride needs the money more than a flashlight does. So I donated my light money for his well being.

I have some spare parts and stuff laying around to build some kind of handmade light. I have a few ideas to make something BLF hasn't seen yet. So stay tuned! Lets show our support to OL and his wife!

Well it looks like I’m getting behind on this (you know work, family, friends tend to consume all your free time) but here is what I got so far.
Let’s cut some copper tube.

More copper and some carbon fiber I have in the parts bin.

I have this sweet driver from RMM I can use somehow.

Here is what I am thinking, an inside out torch! Who says all the parts have to be inside?

I plan on using copper for the heatsink, figure out some kind of reflector, and a way to screw it all together.
That copper bar i have is really a pain in the a&& to cut by hand. I’ll have to heat it up somehow to try to anneal it. I do have a momentary switch driver in my parts box. Maybe I’ll use that. I have XML2’s and some XPL HI’s I was saving for another project. Nothing set in stone here, I’m just winging it off the top my head.

Good on ya Solar. Welcome to the club. All the best for whatever your creation will be. :slight_smile:

Some of the best art is created under very limited circumstances. May you creation turn out to be one such case. Best wishes Solar.

Best of luck with the build, Solar :slight_smile:

@Solar, I just managed to put 2&2 together.

I am Sincerely and humbly touched by this and I hope you get to complete your build. If there is anything I can do to help, just PM me.

Good to see ya Old-Lumens. Thanks but it wouldn’t be fair to others if I had an expert lend assistance. :wink:

Nice start. I think your like the rest of us on our builds and not sure what goes next. Looking forward to the next instalment. :+1:

Looking good. That is a serious hunk of copper between those cells.

Copper between cells? Is that a good copper or a bad copper? :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a bad copper. I have no idea what alloy it is but it was a pain in the butt to cut with the hacksaw. This morning I took my torch to it to annual it and then went to bed. I hope that softens it up a little.

Good man.