I did a video build thread here, but it was mostly about file work. It still shows some good shots of the work done on the light.
It is a 2D Blue Maglite, that has been modded with an MT-G2 led. 5000k, 2 step. The led is on a 20mm Noctigon and that is screwed down to an aluminum heat sink. The reflector is a stock Maglite LED reflector that has been modded to fit. It has a coated glass lens. The driver is a DrJones lumodrv with ramping. Normal modes are High/Low, then ramping, but you need to go to the DrJones site, to see all the features. It has a momentary switch. To keep from having any parasitic drain from the batteries, just turn the tail cap out a touch, as a positive lockout.
There is a lot of file work on this light. All of those areas are polished. It's a good looking and very bright light. All show and no go, is not an option. This one is bright as heck!
It pulls a little over 6 amps with good UNProtected cells. 26650 or 18650 can be used, but they have to be UNProtected.
It comes with sleeves for 26650 and 18650.
Price is $100 USD CONUS - International Add $10 USD.
Payment is PayPal oldlumens(insert the @ sign here)
First person posting here, then paying and sending me a PM with all your shipping info, gets the light.
Thank you