SOLD a new Flag Light, 2AA Maglite with the US flag on it. It has been modified from an Incan, to a Nichia 219 high CRI led. It also has a Carlco 20mm plain, tight TIR optic. The heat sink is made the same way I have made my other recent 2AA Maglites.
It comes in the Presentation hard case, with 2 Alkaline batteries. I will include a dummy AA battery, in case you want to use a 14500 in the light. It is direct drive, Off or On. Just a slight twist of the body, to tighten, turns the light on.
I cannot do beam shots outside tonight. It is Raining!!! Fantastic!!! We need the rain so much. It has rained all day and looks like it will continue all night. Just a soft rain, but steady! YaHooey!!
Sorry, got carried away. Here's three shots inside the garage, againts my yellow walls. ISO 100, Daylight WB, Apreture F:2.7, Shutter 1 sec.
That's on 2 alkalines and they are about half dead, sorry...
SOLD Price is $40.00USD CONUS Shipping Included
Payment is PayPal valleau (insert the @ sign here)
First person posting "I'll take it" followed by a payment and a PM to me, will get this light.
I know right! Downright embarrassing I had been busy replying to another thread but I still made it here in time. I never read what I was buying, I just saw a OL sales thread and said "I'll take it!". :P
It wasn't until 15 minutes after it being posted that OL got payment. I guess OL was right, no one buys his lights. ;)
Yeah, like that’s gonna happen. The Old Man is a lumen pusher. He hooks you with something simple and cheap. Then the craving starts. The shakes. The sweats. The 2700K elephants dancing on your brain. Pretty soon you find yourself in a dark alley gutter staring into a SST90 aspheric potato masher. Beam there, done that. It ain’t a pretty way to go.