Welcome to BLF.
I just picked one of these up…. tremendous thrower for such a small light….class leading I think?
Thank you Solar, and yes it throws crazy and i’m still debating weather or not to keep it because it surprises me everytime i use it.
I am terrible at beamshots… But this one, for those perusing it’s sale, is incredible…My first ‘flat’ LED…
The beam is so tight, and it punches out far… I live on a 15 acre park… houses are 500- 1200 feet away… This light, with very little spill can light up those structures impressively…
It’s no GT70, but it is pretty awesome for it’s size. Glad I picked mine up
GLWS (if you don’t keep it )
Am I the only one who cannot see the pictures??
In the OP?
I see them….
Yep… in the OP.
Thanks… must be on my end then.
Thanks justanotherguy, and teacher i have it up on candlepowerforums also in there WTB and WTT section if you want to try and see if you can see the pictures there.
/\ Thanks for the heads up Zunkted.
Welcome to BLF also!!
I offered a trade but I didn’t realize I already had this same spec from vinh. I jumped on this like a bat outt hell until I had to check my inventory.
This little light is a true beast. About 1200 ft away at the end of culdesac, it dimly lights up the homes. I covered my hand as my jaw dropped. Simply impressive.
Still up for sale guys.
Price dropped, i am willing to trade also.
I’ll take it, pm sent.
Payment Sent.
Thank you.
Arrived, Well packaged and in Great condition. Thank You.