This sale is for a TK75 2015 with dedomed XM-L2 U4 1As. My asking price is $115 $100 $90 shipped in the US via priority mail. If you live outside the US, I’ll put $10 towards your shipping preference and you’ll have to pay the rest.
Here’s a few comparison beamshots, the treeline is 136 meters away.
Convoy C8 Dedomed XM-L2 U4 1A & Fet
Eagletac S200C2 Dedomed XM-L2 U4 1A & Fet
Lumintop T5 Hunter Dedomed XP-G2 S4 0D Direct Drive
HaikeLite MT07 Buffalo XHP70
Fenix TK75 2015 Dedomed XM-L2 U4 1As
Price drop to $100 net via PayPal.
Price drop to $90.
90$ for a modded U4 binned and its still awailable? Meanwhile BLFers buy Manker stuff….Astrolux too…
What had happened with this place
Its 300k candelas and tonsa lumens folks
A huge bump for you m8
TK75 is one of my favourite and one of the most used lights ever
for 90 it was a robbery realy
Hehe… I wonder if whoever bought is is going to do spring bypass and bump up the current just a bit?