This sale is for a modded Thrunite TN4A HI. This light was originally designed with a driver and battery carrier that used AA/NiMH batteries only but being as I like max output that had to change. The original driver has been removed and replaced with a contact board with a fet driver piggy backed onto it. The driver spring is bypassed and it has moppydrv firmware on it since the light has an e-switch. The battery carrier has been modified…it was set up as 4s but is now 4p and works fine with button top 14500 cells. The maximum working voltage for this driver is 5.5v so the batteries have to go into the carrier with the button towards the brass spacer and the tail towards the spring…if you put the batteries in the carrier incorrectly you’ll melt springs or worse…batteries. It’s got a XP-L HI cw led and it puts out a very nice beam…the profile is excellent. I tried it with a dedomed XP-G2 S4 2B (old style) and the beam profile was terrible. This light is very comparable to a C8 as far as throw is concerned. The light comes with a holster and a lanyard. The price is $75 $60 shipped via USPS priority mail in the US only. If you live outside the US I’ll pay the normal priority price but you’ll have to take care of the rest. If you have a light to trade or questions…feel free to PM me.
Modded TN4A HI
New MTN Fet driver w/MoppyDrv
4p Battery Carrier for Button Top 14500s Only
Driver Contact Board from Oshpark
Yep, the TN4A HI comes with a smooth reflector…the TN4A comes with an orange peel reflector. You’re going to have your work cut out for you on the XHP35 mod. The original driver is 35.4mm, it’s attached a contact board that screws into the underside of the head of the light. I had pilotdog68 design me a contact board that I could piggy back a fet driver to in order to get the most I could out of it. I was wanting to go the XHP35 HI route but there’s no real good way to put a buck in it without killing the driver due to no heatsinking. If you manage to get it figured out…a build thread would be great.
What does the LED mount too/got-ta be a shelf in there, no? I have several now extinct LD-2M2’s that I flip and mount to the LED shelf and wipe the driver clean to be used as a contact board, is this a possibility still?
It’s definitely not an ignorant question as protected 14500s will be a little longer than unprotected 14500s. What is the length of the ones you plan to use? Also, if they fit, they should work fine but you’d get more output with unprotected cells.
Pretty much the answer I was expecting. Thanks dj. I’ll be 100% honest, this was mostly a “friendly, inquisatory” bump. I am more than likely not ready to drop $60 on a light like this (I’m kinda hooked on the runtime and convenience combination of 18650). But MAN! Looking at that pic of it’s parts on top of the VG10 really scream how compact this thing must be. Very cool mod. If my interest increases beyond my control, I’ll go measure my protected’s.
PS. I’ve been more interested in possibly seeking out somebody to kick up my Utorch UT02 a bit (I’m not a modder……had a hard enough time just trying to replace the LED in my Astrolux A1).
Thank you for the educational and kind reply. I hope this extra bump helps get this off your hands.