Up for sale is this Modified Lumintop SD10. Here's the link to the build thread. It can run a multitude of batteries from a 32650 to AA NiMHs.
It has a DrJones 105C driver in it, with a total of 12 chips. The main modes are High and Medium, then there is ramping and hidden strobe. It's a lumodrv driver. It will put out 4.5 amps on high with the right battery. (Panasonic 10 amp 18650, Efest IMR 14500, Eneloops, Etc.) It will not hit 4.5 amps with several of the Trustfire/Ultrafire batteries because they just can't put that much out.
It has an XM-L T6 3C led in it.
It comes with:
Original box, with spare O ring, Lanyard and Manual
4xAA Battery Holder (use eneloops)
4x14500 Battery Holder (use non-protected cells)
Sleeve for 26650
Sleeve for 18650
3xAA stock Battery Holder
Only used for the Mod and a few beam shots.
Note: Putting four AA or 14500 batteries in this tube is tight. They will go in, but you will feel a bit of drag. I do not know if anything besides Eneloops or Efest 14500s will work, due to varying battery diameters. When you start either of the 4x holders into the tube, make sure you take care to have the batteries in correctly and that they don't get damaged from shoving them into the tube incorrectly. Clearances are tight, but they can be put in fine with a little TLC and they come back out with a little shake... Hey, it's like putting 10 pounds of... well, you know.
Price is $70USD CONUS and $80USD International
Payment is oldlumens(insert @ sign here)
First person posting they will take it, followed by payment and a PM to me with your full name and address, gets the light.