SOLD - Sky Ray King Clone, Modded with XM-L2 U2 leds and draws 11+ amps. Ship anywhere --- for a price ;-)...

20R is what I used to measure the amp draws from it.

I really have thought about doing a few more of these. If I could order 3 or 4 more and get the XM-L2 leds in them, then it would be a great mod, just switch to Copper stars, change to heavier wires and mod the driver.

Maybe I need to do a pre-order thread and see if people would really be interested.

i will have to search out a supplier then. I was wondering as i noticed you wired the 3 emitters in parallel, how woudl it go if a fourth XM-L2 wqas added to that circuit ? would that driver handle it ? i was thinking i might test this modded driver in that 4-DST/SRK Super Thrower i am currently building before i went with the four added-resistor-105c’s in it.

7 Skyrays!! Nice!!

I think I am the last person on this forum not to own any! :slight_smile:
Where is that feeler tread again :wink:

There are lots of threads here on various Skyray Kings/Kung lights. ( i posted one last summer comparing 4 different ones in my collection.

I've got 3 - first one was shipped from ePathDirect and had XML2s, other two were from a different source and were the same, except for XML instead of XML2. Same ebay item number, same seller, same driver, same everything else, but the seller apparently just gets whatever from whoever and collects the money.


I’ve been focusing on P60 drop-ins for a little while. Its time I got reading on SRK. I’ll search for your comparison.

its here :slight_smile: >> SkyRay 6-XM-L - Battle Of The Kings - BeamShot Image updates!

Cool!! Thanks. I’ll read-up on it right now.

awaiting the pre-order thread already :wink:

(black preferred)

anybody familliar with the 20R cells from Fasttech here, they the genuine or fakes ? ( i never bought cells from Fasttech before. >>

With the Chinese Holiday, you might want to look at US sellers. Ebay has several. search INR18650 on ebay.

I’d be in for 1 no doubt, make it happen champ!!

All the cells I have bought from FastTech have been genuine.

Not bought those particular cells but have had Samsungs from them and they have all been good

Didn’t know he had those. Good place to get them from.


The problem is that they would be more money, if I did them now. I figure the light is $35 and that's ok, if it does come with XM-L2, but from the reports, that's just a matter of blind luck.

If they come with XM-L2, (6500k stock), and the right driver, then I would need to get Noctigon stars, heavier wire and I would probably want to sell them at $65 each plus shipping, since I took a loss on the first one, (as I usually manage to do). If someone wanted XM-L2 1D, then I would have to buy them and at about $7 each, that would again raise the price, so it's about how it always goes. These one of a kinds I do, I loose money on and if I try to make more of them and not loose money and even make a few bucks, the price is high enough that no one wants them. My fault entirely, for not selling the first one at a higher price, but that's life...