Up for sale today is a light I just finished modding. It’s a Thrunite TN4A It’s now got a BLF FET DD ramping driver in it with zenor mod of course. This is a 4x 14500 light and with the “windyfire” batteries from Mountain electronics you have to turn it down off from high or it will actually kill this emitter. That’s absolutely crazy! It’s hard to believe that a light this small can put out enough current to actually kill an MT-G2. I had an XHP-70 in it and it killed it in the snap of your fingers. So if you buy this remember to either back it off of Turbo quick or don’t use the super high amp 14500’s like these windyfire’s.
$65 and free shipping in the US
$60 and exact shipping for everyone else.
As always first PM gets the light.