SOLD! WTS: Trustfire 3T6 - DRY Driver


This 3T6 was one of my very first modification projects. This light has been sitting unused for months now so I figured it would be happier with someone else! Being one of my first, it isn't perfect, but it works great. I swapped out the stock driver for one of the original DRY drivers which was soldered directly to a copper fitting for correct spacing.

I believe that the emitters are XM-L U2 1B, but I'm not sure. They came out of a BTU Shocker (got them from Tom E. a few months back). They are Fujiked in place and aren't perfectly centered, but they're 90% of the way there. I don't see any out of focus artifacts in the beam.

The light needs three 18650s to run and pulls over 5A on turbo, which is enough to trip the protection on some cells. Also, the DRY driver does buzz a bit in every mode.

The body has seen very little use and is a 9/10 in my opinion. There may be a few nicks and dings here and there (mostly from the factory) but overall it is in good shape. Threads are smooth and o-rings in place. There are a few light smudges on the reflector, which don't seem to affect the beam.

Pics will come later tonight if needed.

$25 shipped CONUS. First post or PM that says "I'll take it" gets the light.

i’ll take it… pm’ed you :slight_smile:
