If anyone wants it. Can't think why they would though. See my review here. That should explain why I want to sell it. But it is HAIII - which is about all it has going for it. Runtime on low should be approximately forever.
Too bad you dont live stateside.......it would be a pretty penny if you did.
If you want it you can have it for the cost of the postage as long as this is less than DX would ask you for a new one. Could be fun to mod. I'll put it on the postal scales at work tomorrow and see how much it'd cost to post.
well i don't look like AI is taking up your offer Don
i might be interested in buying it for my other half if Al passes up your offer
PS I'm in the UK you have probably worked that out for your self
Dude its all yours man......It would be way cheaper for him to send it too you then too me since im so far, far, away...lol.
OK - send me a private message with your address and I'll get it into the post by the weekend. Shouldn't be more than a couple of quid to post.
OK - send me a private message with your address and I'll get it into the post by the weekend. Shouldn't be more than a couple of quid to post.
Hi Don
I'm in Livingston west lothian i see you are also in Scotland possibly near Glasgow
A bit farther away than hat, I'm in Aberdeen
A bit farther away than that, I'm in Aberdeen
Hi Don pm sent i think
sorry i thought i read on a post that you were around the Glasgow area
my misunderstanding still i was only around 140miles out and on the wrong side of the country
Well, as it happens I was born in Glasgow and spend quite a lot of time there. My father taught at Glasgow University but got a job in Aberdeen Uni when I was 4. That was in 1964. Lived in Aberdeen on and off since. Bought a house here in 1990 and the only job that tempted me to move (To Glasgow or Edinburgh) I didn't get.
Excellent, nice to know we've had our first transaction. Thanks to Don and Barrie!
I think we are going to be seeing Don's marketing tactic all over the place pretty soon, "Buy Coca Cola, it tastes gross and isn't worth it, we don't know why you'd want it, but if you want it, we sell it."
Hello once again
i got this light from Don
and Admin is right it tastes terrible and i don't like the texture but luckily it is OK at giving of light
i no longer have the light my better half has claimed it as the light for her pocket when walking our dogs in the evenings we tried it out tonight and it is comparable to my fenix LD10
so all in all very happy with it
it was very good of you to throw in a 18650 Don
and very trusting to send it before i had sent payment or you dont give a hoot about it
any way payment is on its way and my good lady likes the torch
thank you Barrie
That was sure nice of him to do that.
Exactly how I feel about Coke. Vile stuff!! AndI don't buy it or any other horrible sweet fizzy drink. I have a sweet tooth as most Scots do, but not for liquids for some reason.
Or another way of putting it, caveat emptor, let the buyer beware. Or "don't say I didn't warn you!"