could one of you please tell me what Firmware Version your Green TS10 V2 shipped with from the factory? (Im not asking if you reflashed, what version you chose to install)
Im able to update my own firmware, so it does not really matter to me what version a TS10 ships with, but Ive been trying to help someone who is asking for the Correct Version of the Manual for their incoming Green TS10 V2.
Each version of the TS10 has shipped with a different version of Anduril over time. And there have been several different firmware versions used… And each version of Anduril has its own unique Manual (even though the majority of features are the same, some are slightly different, and also the Factory Default ceilings have changed over time)
for example TS10 V1 originally came w version 2022-02-08, it was later updated to 2022-07-19
then came the Ti TS10 V2 (the first w RGB Aux), with a new firmware version, followed by the first run Orange TS10 V2 with version 2023-07-29
UPDATE, the new Green V2 also uses 2023-07-29… discussed in more detail here
The question has been asked before about why some companies don’t want to use Anduril.
I think you perfectly answered the question. And I’m not opposed to Anduril. I like it a lot. I’ve been carrying it since I believe the first version.
May I revive this old thread. I just purchased two pieces of Wurkkos TS10 V2, both arrived yesterday. I checked the firmware versions they have.
The orange one blinks out 0000 - 2024 - 04 - 20. That is what I expected to get: the modified April 2024 Anduril2 rev.
The green one blinks out 0713 - 0. Nothing else. That is kind of unexpected.
I would have thought that with such a long time having gone by since the TS10 V2 flashlight came onto the market, Wurkkos should have had more than enough time to phase out any older or differing firmware versions?? Can anybody explain this to me?
I have the capability to reflash these lights. No problem here to do that. But before doing this I would be happy to understand what kind of scenario we have here. Many thanks!
When lights get built they go into inventory with whatever firmware was in use at the time that particular batch of lights was built.
When you buy one of those lights, they ship it with whatever firmware is on the light. They do not open the boxes to reflash to newer firmware.
Some colors, from an older batch, can have different firmware, than other colors, from a newer batch
I would reflash the 0713-0 to 0000-2024-04-20 firmware, that has the 50% FET feature.
The 0000-2024-04-20 firmware was created later than the 0713-0 version… but they may both have 50% FET… you could verify this with output tests. Would need to check not only Turbo, but also ceiling settings… but I would just reflash to 0000-2024-04-20 for consistency.