I have twelve US18650GR cells. They were in an old laptop battery. I have no charger that will deal with them. Most show some voltage, but I don’t know if it’s enough to be recoverable or not. I do not have a lithium charger to find out.
I also have a Nickel-Cadmium battery from an 18v cordless drill…it has 15 cells in it, I think. I know that these are all in perfect working order.
Anyone want them? I’d prefer a trade, if anyone’s interested. I would like a good pair of rechargeable AA’s with a charger for my work flashlight…but I really don’t know if what I got is worth that much. Ideally, I have a little 2-AA Rayovac LED flashlight found at Home Depot that is perfect for what I need…but I would like to have better batteries for it that can take a little more abuse than the throw away kind.