Sourcing Carclo triple optics in the UK?

I am in the UK and want a 10507 optic for an S2+ triple. What is the cheapest way for me to get this optic?

Most online shops either have a markup (e.g., intl-outdoor) or a significant shipping/handling charge that is several times the price of the optic. In the States there is ledsupply, which has no handling charge and no minimum order quantity for free shipping. I wonder if a similar shop might exist in the UK.

All distributors I know have crazy delivery costs for small orders. Example:
Digikey: 12 quid delivery.
Mouser: also 12 quid delivery.
Farnell: 9.99 quid.

Thank you in advance!

Someone has to pick it up in a warehouse, put it in a box or bag, stick the label to it, then the carrier might ship it around the world and someone is so nice to bring it right to your door. That’s not for free. With more expensive products it might be included in the product price, but nobody would buy a lens for $15.

AliExpress would be your best choice.

Crossposted in Sourcing Carclo triple optics in the UK? : flashlight

Thanks for the response. It is clear that all that effort is not free, but it baffles me just how expensive shipping is in the UK. In the States the most expensive shipping fee I’ve seen is $5, while here it’s 12 quid.

I crossposted because I did not get more than one response.

You shouldn’t have left EU :nerd_face:

Now The Isle is drifting away…
The same problem in the opposite direction. It requires lots of effort to bring things from UK.

:man_facepalming: More like I shouldn’t have left the States…

I love how Carclo is a British company, and the cheapest way to get their optics is to order them in the US.

I guess Carclo would be more interested in selling you 5,000 pieces or more. You will always pay a markup as a consumer. Yes, shipping got expensive, even from China.

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You would be surprised to see that for retailers some Dutch products are available with German retailers for less money than from Dutch distributors, but is forbidden to buy there. But hey, that’s life.

$3.59 each -

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