SPAM Button Click Abuses

Thats why I suspect it was a few newish members.
Even if one doesn’t glace at post count, most regulars will recognize 4wheelers name.

If a commercial seller posts a really awesome deal that you really really like but puts it in the wrong place, it will get flagged as spam. Not because someone doesn't like the deal or the product or the seller, but because it's been put in the wrong place. There shouldn't be one set of rules for posts you like, and posts you don't like. If it's from a commercial seller and it gets posted anywhere but the commercial sellers forum it is spam and it will be removed, full stop.

One wasn't new, He has threads about clicking on spammers.

Some changes to the algorithms that might solve this problem.

1. Increase the threshold of reports that actually marks the thread as spam and hides it.

2. Factor date joined and post count into the power of the Mark as SPAM button. More experienced users will make less judgmental errors and can prevent sockpuppet accounts from abusing the feature.

Of course, we’ll all need to respect the guidelines of the spam feature. No algorithm is foolproof and heavily depends on the participation of users. Quick reminder on how to use the SPAM button (and how *not* to use it)

comfychair wrote:

You can put anything you want in an empty 'create new topic' form, click preview, see how it looks, then if you're not ready to publish, 'select all' and paste it into a text or word file, and then cancel the 'new topic' page. Any time you want to do more work on it, open another 'create new topic' form, copy/paste from your text file, and make your edits, then select all/paste it all back into the text file. Only when it looks finished, hit the 'submit' button.

I think that not doing it that way and instead using the very odd 'reserved' stuff is what many people saw as weird.

I am weird. So they will always see weird my direction. That being said, I will consider your approach so that I am less weird. I did not know that what I did was "old school". This is my first real forum and I guess I had not been here long enough to see this approach before. I actually thought it was my idea.

I guess the part I don't understand is that even if the thread title stays as 'Reserved', it's still public and anyone can click on it and see the unfinished post. Depending on the subforum, a post can be 4 or 5 pages back in the 'recent posts' page, but still at the top of the list when you view the subforum the thread is in. Not everyone only always uses the 'recent posts' page exclusively.

comfychair wrote:

guess the part I don't understand is that even if the thread title stays as 'Reserved', it's still public and anyone can click on it and see the unfinished post. Depending on the subforum, a post can be 4 or 5 pages back in the 'recent posts' page, but still at the top of the list when you view the subforum the thread is in. Not everyone only always uses the 'recent posts' page exclusively.

Good point. You found a flaw in my logic that I didn't realize. Something else I did wrong. The list has been growing fast lately.

So what, you learn something and find a better way to do things. It's not persecution.

The fact of the matter is that the posts were not SPAM (unless reserved has suddenly become an expletive) and I agree that the use of the SPAM button to delete those posts were an abuse of that ability.

Even if those posts were weird and someone thought they were somehow suspicious there is a very simple and easily available method of voicing one’s concern. Top Left, Main Menu, ‘Contact the Admin’ No excuse for using the SPAM button for the posts in question IMV.

ImA4Wheelr welcome to the wonderful world of internet forums where the few can spoil it for everyone. Take heart M8 for every one that might not like your posts there are a hundred that do. Even the weird ones :slight_smile:

Luckily SB runs a good ship and rectified the situation

CC wrote:S

So what, you learn something and find a better way to do things. It's not persecution.

Totally agree, but I will not just let future members have this happen if I have the power to help them in some little way.

I would really like to see this. BLF is great, don’t want trolls to have an easy way to cause aggravation.

The documentation for clarity and intention was made later, it did not appear together with the “Reserved” OP. Had it been written together, it should have been much different.

tatasal wrote:

The documentation for clarity and intention was made later, it did not appear together with the “Reserved” OP. Had it been written together, it should have been much different.

This is completely false. I drafted them together.

I think I know what you are thinking about. The first link in Post 1 above. I wrote over the original text when I renamed the thread "Not Reserved:. I later realized that I should add back the original test. That is the original text that is lined out. Furthermore, the OP was quoted. Ask SB. He can verify. Look at the quote made by another member and compare it to the text that I reinstated. They are the same. That was my original OP. Also, the first post linked was identical to the second one I linked to. I created them at the same time using cut and paste.

Interesting that you are harping on this false accusation. What are you trying to do here?

I have to crash. We can continue this integration tomorrow. I have nothing to hide and will answer your questions.

This is what inappropriate use of the SPAM button did to me. I have to prove I had good intentions. Even though I have given and given to BLF, I have to proof I am not a bad guy. Even then, I am tainted.

I really don't want this to happen to another good member.

I honestly don't know what happened, I don't know who clicked the 'spam' button or why, I don't even know how many reports it takes to trigger a removal. But I do know that the persecution complex isn't working. Nobody here doesn't like you or wants you to not post anything any more. But being bitter and suspicious and paranoid is a sure-fire way to drive folks away, guaranteed.

I thought it was a bit strange but certainly not spam worthy. I was actually curious to see how it would work. I don’t agree with the notion of “these are the possible reasons for doing this” as being either the only possible reasons or a good excuse for spamming a known member in any case. People in general don’t need any reason to misbehave so trying to figure out why is pointless, there are as many reasons as… and most don’t usually feel they are doing wrong in any case so you won’t change their minds.

My two cents and not worth the copper is live and learn, don’t over think this, and just let it go.

Only in your eyes, I think I talk for the majority here when I say you have nothing to prove :slight_smile:

Again no, and you are not tainted, well not for this anyway :wink:

This is what should be discussed, maybe as suggested before, the spam button cannot be used until a certain post count and a certain time of membership has passed, this would still leave plenty of members to kill spam.

Cheers David


Why not just create your post inside Word document in your computer and transfer it over after you have completed? Rather than creating weird empty "shells" threads. Imagine everyone starts to do the same thing... Recent pages will be flooded with "Emptiness" .

Seems easier to make your posts in word or some such. Add your images as hotlinks with the ! fore and aft. Add links too. Cut and paste when done.

Personally I wouldnt have marked your posts but they would make me wonder why the difficult approach to a problem.

This is probably most pertinent to the discussion. Nobody is questioning your value to the blf community or your contributions. There's no conspiracy, and nobody is marking your posts as spam out of malice. If users see posts that seem to be irrelevant and of little or no value, especially several of them grouped together, I can understand them using the spam button. There's no perfect system; sometimes there are false positives. Yes, this occurred enough times that you were automatically banned. Yes, you had good intentions. But, try to look at it from other people's point of view. Who wants to see a bunch of empty threads? This can be avoided by creating and developing posts elsewhere and pasting material when ready.

That being said, of course people want you to stay and appreciate what you contribute.