I think most of you would agree it is a good idea to have spare batteries on hand and most of us probably do. But when I see my spare cells sitting there, doing nothing, I think to myself, "Self, those batteries need a light to call home." My point? We all need more lights to put those batteries to use. Say you have four extra 18650 cells. That is good for an emergency backup, but why not buy four more lights and then you have an even better backup! See where I'm going here? Especially nowadays when you can buy a decent light for less that $20.
I will admit I don't totally adhere to my own statements above, as I do have more batteries than lights. But I'm hoping to cure that soon (money permitting, I'm certainly not rich).
Once all these flashlights are around, you'll start thinking about how, in an emergency, you'll be able to equip your whole family, friends and neighbours with those desperately needed sources of light. You'll feel warm and fuzzy about it for a while. Then you'll realise that there are no backup batteries for all these crucial pieces of equipment. So, of course, you'll have to buy more batteries. But now you'll have all those spare batteries lying around and it would be a real shame just to let them sit there on the shelf, unused. Wouldn't it be great to put them in some cheap flashlights instead? Only now you've got twice as many batteries as before, so you'll need twice as many flashlights...
After a few rounds of this, you'll be buried in flashlights and batteries, but there is no end to the madness! With every turn of the cycle you will need twice the number of flashlights and batteries as before. Soon the whole world will be producing either flashlights or batteries. Farms will be deserted, crops will rot on the field, unharvested. People will starve to death while still producing more flashlights and/or batteries.
Finally, when the economy collapses and the lights go out, your hour will have come. This is what you have been preparing for. But because you had your hands full with storing all these flashlights, there was no time to keep all those batteries charged. Instead of lighting up the post-apocalyptic world with your stockpile of flashlights, you'll be sitting on a heap of useless aluminium tubes and empty batteries full of toxic waste. Do you really want the world to end this way?
I guess that was humor? LOL? I want the world to end by an ELE of gigantic proportions. I don't think flashlights or batteries will ever create an ELE. :D
i gave up on buying buget lights. i threw all my old maglights and other cheap lights away and stack them with performance lights.. lol 3 TK11's and 1 eagletac..
Yes they are :) They were actually $17.50 plus $6.50 shipping for 10. I ordered 2 separate batches. Too bad they're not available for you guys over seas. They really are great, as long as you're not paranoid about unprotected cells.