[Spicy 3D Prints] New Offerings: Christmas Themed D4V2, D4K, TS10, and T3 diffusers!

[11/18/2023] Update: Limited Edition Christmas Themed diffusers now available!

I got many requests for these after the Halloween diffusers, so I took a lot of time and made some intricate diffuser models!

You can buy these from my website!

Or you can download the 3D models for free and 3D print them yourself!

[9/30/2023] Update: Limited Edition Halloween TS10 and T3 diffusers now available!
Enough folks asked for them that I figured I would tweak and scale the models!

Kids have seemed to love these diffusers quite a bit.

You can get these from my website!

Or download the models for free and 3D print them yourself!

TS10, D4V2, T3

Lit up!

[9/14/2023] Update: Limited Edition Halloween D4V2 diffusers now available!
I designed some festive diffusers that I think you will all enjoy!
Pumpkin, ghost, and bubbling cauldron diffusers in the spirit of the spookiest day of the year!

You can get these from my website here.

If you have a 3D printer, you can download the models for free from my Printables page!

Check out the photos below!

[8/27/2023] Update: Sofirn SP36 and IF22A diffusers now available!

After a busy summer of caving trips and travel, I’m back at it making diffusers!

Sofirn SP36/SP36 Pro diffuser now available on my website for $4.49

Sofirn IF22A diffuser now available for $3.49

I personally think these diffusers are competitive with the BLF LT1, but give them a try and let me know what you think!
The SP36 and SP36 Pro have the same head diameter, so these diffusers will work with either light.

Free 3D Model files if you have your own 3D printer:
SP36 Diffuser
IF22A Diffuser

Spicy 3D SP36 diffuser in front of a campfire.

Spicy 3D IF22A diffuser in front of some processed wood. Knife is the ESEE Junglas.

Bonus photo of Mrs. Spicy and our string of diffusers from our camping trip! (DT8, IF22A, D4SV2, T1R, TS10)

[6/18/2023] Update
Emisar DT8 and DT8K diffuser released and now for sale on my website for $3.99
This thing is super bright! It works great as a bedside/nightstand diffuser.

You can download the models from my Printables page for free if you want to print it yourself!

[6/16/2023] Update

I recently designed a Sofirn HS10 headband mount for the Skilhunt HB3 headband!

Thanks for the suggestion @James_C !

I made sure that it is easy to rotate the HS10 while it is in the mount, but that it is snug enough so that it does not rotate during normal operation.

Check it out on our website!

Or 3D print it yourself! Model is free on Printables!

[5/12/2023] Update

Check out our recently designed Skilhunt HB3 headband attachment for the Zebralight H600 and Emisar D2! Now you can have a durable Zebralight paired with the enthusiast Emisar D2!

You can get the H600/D2 mount from our store here for $3.99!
We also sell the Skilhunt HB3 headbands as well if you need one.

Free 3D print files are available here.
Print 'em out and let me know what you think!

Brought this mount caving!

Some pretty helectites underground!

The mount itself.

[5/8/2023] This is the start of the Spicy 3D Prints new offerings post!

We’ve made 3D printed accessories for flashlights, but now we are now making the foray into selling flashlights themselves!

TS10 is now available at our website for $21.99!

We also sell diffusers for the TS10 as well!

Free shipping to USA on orders over $40!
Otherwise, shipping to USA is a flat rate of $5.49

We are starting out first with the Black Wurkkos TS10s in 4000K.
There are 3 choices of aux LEDs: Orange, Blue, and Red

And as always, if you don’t want to buy items from us, you can download them models and 3D print them yourself!

Black TS10!

TS10 and Convoy T3 with diffusers! (They are both the same size bezel)

Items that come with the TS10

7 Thanks

$22 for a TS10 with battery and charger (and US stock!) is an unbeatable price. If I didn’t have a black TS10 already I’d be sure as heck ordering from you.

Watching with interest for your future offers!

2 Thanks

Any chance you could make a snap-in headlight mount for the Sofirn HS10? The ability to quickly pop it in or out is key. Preferably in a way that allows it to be more or less centered on your forehead.

Edit: looking through your site, maybe one of your existing models would work. I’ll measure the HS10 and edit this again.

2 Thanks

I actually just bought an HS10 since you messaged me.

It will probably take a few weeks to arrive, but I’ll make a Skilhun HB3 headband adapter for it!

Awesome! It’s overall a great little light. I like using it both as a headlight and a right-angle light. The stock silicone holder for the headlight strap works fine but you basically have to take the tailcap off to remove / install the light. Due to Murphy’s Law whenever I go to use it I need to take it out of the holder or vice versa.

With your adaptor will you be able to just “snap” it in and out in one motion? (Like installing the “hug” type of flashlight clip). If so I’ll definitely buy one!

Yes, I intend for the HS10 to HB3 adapter to work just like the plastic holder that comes with the HB3.

So you should be able to snap the adapter in place, then insert the HS10, and voila! Modular headband!

1 Thank

Awesome! I’ll be placing an order soon. One thing on my mind: I should be getting a Sofirn HS40 any day now. I’m wondering if any of your existing models would work with that. I can measure it when it arrives. I mean, there’s only so much variation in body tube diameters for 18xxx lights, right? Maybe you have it covered already.

Good question about the HS40. Unfortunately I don’t own that one yet (and I probably won’t buy it).

The headlamp holders I have been making are specially sized for each light and have specific features to fit on each light body (ridges to fit in pocket clips etc).

The stock mount that comes with the HB3 headband might work though? I think it is designed for the Skilhunt H04, which is 18650. I can’t guarantee a good fit with it though.

I honestly never thought I’d see a diffuser made for the DT8/K. Thank you for making these. I just ordered a couple as well as a couple of 26650 battery holders. You can never have too many diffusers going into Hurricane Season in Florida.

Thanks Spicy3d!

1 Thank

[9/14/2023] Update: Limited Edition Halloween D4V2 diffusers now available!
I designed some festive diffusers that I think you will all enjoy!
Pumpkin, ghost, and bubbling cauldron diffusers in the spirit of the spookiest day of the year!

You can get these from my website here.

If you have a 3D printer, you can download the models for free from my Printables page!

Check out the photos below!

5 Thanks

I like the ghost.
It reminds me of the ghosts from the Mario video games.

1 Thank

Thanks! The Mario ghosts would be a lot of fun to make a diffuser out of. They’re so round so they would distribute light really well.

1 Thank

[9/30/2023] Update: Limited Edition Halloween TS10 and T3 diffusers now available!
Enough folks asked for them that I figured I would tweak and scale the models!

Kids have seemed to love these diffusers quite a bit.

You can get these from my website!

Or download the models for free and 3D print them yourself!

TS10, D4V2, T3

Lit up!

1 Thank

Cool! They’re also going to fit the Sofirn SP10/Pro :slight_smile:

Edit: not perfectly, see below

2 Thanks

The TS10 in candle mode is going to make that cauldron diffuser look like it’s boiling! Cool (err, HOT) idea!

1 Thank

You’re right! It does fit, but not snugly. The diffuser is a bit wobbly on the SP10 pro in comparison to the TS10/T3.

My measurement of the diameters shows that the SP10 has a head diameter of 20.47mm while the TS10 has a 21mm head.
So about a 0.5mm difference.

Nothing that a ring of duct tape inside the diffuser’s opening won’t fix :grin:

1 Thank

Awesome diffusers!

Just remember candle mode has no temperature regulation, so choose a reasonable output to avoid too much realism :fire:

2 Thanks

Hi. Do you have any diffuser for the Acebeam E75?

1 Thank

Good call, I have definitely burned myself using candle mode before!

1 Thank