Hi guys, my very first “proper flashaholic light” was the nitecore D10 with the infinite ramping. I loved it and it traveled every where with me, becoming a true EDC item. Unfortunately it died a death when an alkaline battery leaked in the tube. Since then I’ve been on a never ending cycle of “upgrading” & catch and release. I tried the D11 and didn’t like it and the cr123 versions, I’ve had a jetbeam rrt0, sunwayman elfin, several fenix lights including the new PD22 UE. But only my eagle tax D25A clicky came close to my old D10. So I’m on the hunt for a spiritual successor to the nitecore D10, with screwed on clip, straight up and down looks, with neat knurling as well as interesting UI.
There aren't many piston drive lights around these days but my suggestion would be to look for a Balder HD-1. You might find one online somewhere or you could just buy a used one in mint condition here on BLF with a WTB thread.
My preferred carry is the NiteCore D10, followed closely by the Ex10. I have purchased a few lights recently, mostly petite AA lights, Zebralight H52, Dqg Tiny AA, etc.
If you really enjoy the D10 , purchase another, and ditch the alki-leaks.
There is a lot you can do with the original D10 series. Emitter swaps are super easy, sapphire lenses are available in the 17.8mm size, o-rings in available sizes, the D10 also uses the Atmel ATtiny 13, so a new UC can be flashed to replace the original one if so inclined.The superior Eagletac clips fit the D10, and on and on. Lots of options.
The lights weaknesses are easy to overcome with a bit of DIY. I bought one off of EBay that the owner claimed was toast. Both springs were simply over compressed by use of overly long 14500 cells.
There isn’t much out there to replace the venerable D10 in my opinion.