SRK De-domed XP-G2 Mod Picture heavy.

I bought this light on e-bay a while back. It was cheap enough. It wasn't a bad light really but the driver was not great and not mod friendly. The reflector was nice and it had a little deeper pill than some, so it made a nice host.

I installed an Original 3 terroid driver. However, I modded it as well. I soldered over the three 15k resistors. They are tiny ones and there are only three on the driver that are marked 153 (the three is the amount of zero's) So they are each 15,000 resistors. One is hidden under the terriod on the right. This effectively makes them 0 resistors so it's a big jump.

For the XP-G2 emitters to handle the extra amps they had to be on direct copper stars. I wanted to use as much copper as possible and to my surprise three 20mm sinkpads fit in perfectly.

For the extra heatsinking this needs I added 7 large washers to the pill. This was tight fit and all the washers I could possibly stack. The blue stuff is the epoxy I use it's Wakefield Deltabond. It works the best of anything I know of.

This is the pill with the washers in it. You can see that it's a deep pill but not thick. It's nice that it has a lot of threads. I turned it upside down and used the back side to put the stars on. I lapped the sinkpads and the back of the pill. Starting with 600grain sandpaper and working to 1,500. This was the top before I sanded it. I forgot to take on after.

This is now a 2,400 lumen SRK that throws over 125kcd. Also it stays very close after 30 seconds. The heat transfer is excellent and with the XP-G2's it's not overheating nearly as much as with XML's. It has slightly more lumens than a stock SP03 and throws one and half times as far.

Great mod .

Thanks for sharing .

Thanks and You’re welcome.

Great mods! This answered my question of how throwy a king can be with dedomed xpg2.
It is awesome to have 2400 lumens and 125kcd!

awesome mod!.. :beer: :beer:

Wow this is really cool.

Thanks guys, I also did a spring mod on it as well. I forgot to add the pics.

I think I've asked this before but do you sleep or do anything else? I wonder how tired your postman must be. His donkey must be super strong with all the packages delivered to your front door. Another amazing mod. Cheers.

Pretty cool! Amazing to break the 100k mark out of an SRK. This is another one of those "must try" projects now that I've seen it! You guys never cease to amaze me with the things you do.

Daggum…excellent MOD, great job!

Great mod. That has to be a throw record for the SRK.

Thanks guys. It’s a pretty cool mod. I have done a few multi-emitters with XP-G2 but this is the first SRK. The low stayed low too. Lower than a regular SRK It’s only about 200 lumens on low. But it’s a bright 200 lumens. I’m not sure how to explain it. The hotspot is still intense and the flood is still there really good. NO RINGS in the beam which is great because for me that is a killer. I absolutely hate rings in my beams.

This one ended up costing me about $50 to build. Which is more than some, but I think it’s well worth it.

Oh and I do sleep. I get a good solid four hours a day. :stuck_out_tongue:

Really nice mod!

nice job on making a SRK thrower :slight_smile:

Why are you selling it?

So I can buy more lights and mod them. I really like modding lights and I’m on a budget so for me to get lights to mod I sell most of them when I’m done. I’ll make another one soon enough.

Looks like a pretty nice mod. I’m a bit sad I didn’t see it until after it was already gone.

I’m surprised it took as long to sell as it did. Most of mine stay posted about half a hour max. I think three minutes was the fastest. If you ever need something modded just send me a PM I mostly just charge for parts and a little extra to cover the solder, epoxy, shipping and some for if I damage driver or emitters. I mod a ton of lights but I still manage to get a brain fart once in a while and need to buy something extra.

But anyway send me a PM if you want one. I’ll find one cheap and mod it up for you. That is usually about the final price after shipping and stuff.

I’m trying to contact this user in OP