So distracted by SFT’s I didn’t even realise these were a thing.
4000K, 3500K, 3000K and 2700K in 95CRI, R9>50.
And 7500K, 6500K, 5700K and 5000K in 65CRI.
Two different solder pad configurations. Looks like one has smaller pads than the other so I guess they made the one with the bigger pads for flashlights and the smaller pads are for general purpose lighting maybe? Hopefully manufacturers know to use the right one and the smaller solder pad configuration isn’t cheaper, otherwise this could be annoying.
Don’t think they’re out yet but idk, I’ve been distracted by SFTs, this could be old news for all I know. But if not, anyone know anything else about them?
I still like the JA3 bin 2700k but never got any of the fabled FA2/FD2 (I forget which) in the sst20 line. I wonder what they will have to offer against the 519a now. In 3535, the 519a domed/dedomed doesn’t seem to have much competition to me, especially given how cheap they can get. At least Fireflies is playing with round dies but their efficiently leaves a lot to be desired.
The sst20 won’t match the 519a in output (it’s physically a larger led with a bigger LES and better thermal properties) or color rendering or CCT and has more high cri tints than the sst20 including cooler CCTs (5000 and 5700). The FA3/FA4 bins onlf the sst20 4000K R9, are really nice, and were my favorite high cri LEDs until I doscovered the R9050 xhp50.3 HI, 70.3 HI in 5000K, and the 419a in 5000K. I haven’t seen the gen 2s out yet or in any lights yet ao we will see how they do.
I remember a discussion about these a while back, there is something like up to 7% output improvement in the new gen, less for some CCTs. Basically like the 519A-V1 versus the 519A, nothing to get hyped about.
And with a boost in output numbers, there is always some risk that the lumens are artificially inflated by green tint…
Makes sense. The main thing for me that I am mildly hyped about is- will Hank add the new CCTs to his menu, and if so, will they be at the same price point as the current sst20’s, ie, $0
Because it’d be nice to have a few more “no extra charge” emitters on the menu to choose from. Sometimes I don’t want to spend an extra $40 on 519a’s for a D18 or something like that