Hi, I was modding a tr-st50 driver and I had some issue with the wire, it shorted in negative resulting in direct drive (seems the negative handle the current)……
So, the sst-50 was submitted over 13,5A and got blue tint, I didnt know whats going and I try 8x turn on and turn off, after this I measured the tailcap current (over 7,5A).
I solve this issue and complete the resistor mod giving 3,5A on tailcap, the light was OK but now its so dimm compare in past….
That overload damaged the led or 6A+ is too high for sst-50?
Only for effect for compare, I tested the ceiling bounce on naked eyes with tr-3t6 and both almost the same output, but now its only a half of that :_(
I thinking to swap with xml2, but fasttech only have aluminium star, the question is xml can handle 6,5A with al star without problems?
Thanks Ryan, I ordered one yesterday in this store
But, I still want to know if 6~6,5A is too much for sst-50, I REALLY like the beam pattern floody/thrower, but it’s ruined in 3 days of use :_( :weary: