Well, I’ve got the host, the best switch available, the best cells available, and this new FET driver that should deliver near direct drive current level. As long as the Vf stays under the cell, we’ll get it up there. Looks like 3.8V will be around 8A, so I wouldn’t be surprised to see 8-9A from any of 4 different cells I’ve got. That should be up around 2500-2700 lumens. I guess we’ll see.
I’ve seen these cells go 15A in a direct drive triple xm-l2 light. It’ll be interesting. I’ve really been wanting the SBT 90 for quite a while just based on it’s look alone. But in the tint bin I’d want, the bare emitter is around $50, and won’t be available til May.
FWIW, the XM-L2 in this C8 now makes around 1700 at start. With the same type set-up, the MT-G2 in my M8 does 4200+ at start, with 3600+ at 30 seconds.
<—-the M8 with Buck’s copper pill…same pill on the C8.
I recently put together an MT-G2 and DX sst-90 relfector in a host. Very similar output to my single cell sst-90 setup. I don’t have any means of measuring the light output but in the next few nights I’ll try to get some beam shots.
That M8 is amazing, but the thought of being able to fit that output in a pocketable light is blowing my mind. We need that Q bin though.
So far Luminus has been very helpful. Much more so than Digikey. I asked for a sample to send to djozz for testing. It should be a lot easier to organize a group buy, possibly with RMM facilitating, if the test results are as good as I'm expecting.
Certainly, will do. Though looking @ the solder pad layout for a MT-G2 and a SST-90 it’s pretty easy to see how this would work. Excuse the crappy diagram, I threw it together in a few minutes.
So what is going to be brighter, 3x XML2, MTG2 or SST50 from the Q bin? I think that idea of filing or grinding away at the copper disk and leaving a copper post to solder the SST and just soldering on the wires sounds intriguing.
The Triple XM-L2 I’ve got is direct drive, pulls around 15A on the top cells…single cell. Of course that’s a fleeting measurement as they’re being drained very rapidly. That would be 5A to each emitter, count some losses and it should be an OTF of around 3400 lumens, give or take. So it’d be close IF you could run a single cell at that power level. Seems to me the Luminus is going to have an advantage with a lower Vf at high amp so it would be more likely to pull of the big numbers in a smallish single cell light.
I really really like the MT-G2 though! I’ve got one in a chopped AA MiniMag that is made to fit a single 14500…I’m running a pair of 14250 IMR cells in it with the MTG2 in mule configuration and it’s making 1345 OTF even without a reflector! Tiny little powerhouse it is! As a mule, it has no throw of course. But it sure lights up a decent sized room! (I’m talking 2 car garage sized)
At least that will allow you to add another data point since you can test if there's dielectric under the center pad. That may be difficult though since it doesn't have those overflow pads like the Noctigon.
Asking is a very good idea. I asked a flashlight manufacturer how they'd feel about going in together on buying some Q bin emitters. They'll probably say no if they respond at all, but there's no chance they'll say yes if I don't ask.
Either way, I may still pull the Luminus from that Comex star and test continuity at the thermal pad. If it doesn’t have it, I’ll put it on a Noctigon for sure.
I’ve got a chunk of copper for a Mag build, I wonder if I could pull off a triple SST-90?
Wonder if it’ll de-dome? Wonder if those would go in an M6? Wonder if I’ve lost my mind?
Well that is good. Triple SST-90 M6 as a copper mule or whittle some reflectors to fit in the space available? BTW, I just checked and RMM is not yet showing the M6s on his site.
Wait until I get them, I got plenty. Now I'm thinking...triple SST-90? lol that would be sweet with the vF curve of these we may actually get to use the 25A+ drain capacity of the high performance 18650s for once.