I sincerely hope someone hasn’t decided to counterfeit this and take advantage of OL’s name.
I sincerely hope someone hasn’t decided to counterfeit this and take advantage of OL’s name.
I don’t think they are “counterfeit” but there may be some shady dealings going on. I believe they (Mateminco) are the current OEM manufacturer for Astrolux (Banggood’s house brand).
I thought the Old Lumens AO1 was produced by their previous OEM manufacturer (Manker), with a portion of the proceeds going to Justin, as agreed to by Bangood. So, it would appear as though the “new” OEM for Banggood is producing the OL version of the A01 (or has absorbed the remaining stock) and is farming them out to other vendors besides Banggood.
If so (and they aren’t honoring the original agreement), that would be pretty messed up.
I’m glad Justin won’t have to anguish over this but it is totally shameful for FastTech to pull a stunt like this unless they are also standing by the arrangement Justin made and giving 8% of the sales price to Val .
I have PM’ed FastTech and asked them to read and respond to this thread. I want to hear from FT before I make any condemnations but until we have that answer I will not be recommending FT to anyone or buying from them. If FT is willing to do the right thing let’s help them do that
If not then woe be unto them as we cherish Justin’s memory here and we will not allow it to be tarnished or abused.
Still missing you Justin
You might want to find out why Banggood is selling them to FT, rather than condemn FT.
Manker was the original maker of the A01, but not after the banggood/manker breakup. Manker did not produce the OL version. Manker did donate a special edition of the X5. 50 of them. And donated the total amount to OL and Val
Watching this thread closely, and giving it a free bump to the top for visibility.
I hope FT is honoring the percentage…
Maybe BG is just drop shipping them via FT, remember that lots of these were made but very few were sold.
Thanks for the clarification.
Or find out if Mateminco is selling them to FT without Banggood’s knowledge/approval.
I don’t know how many units BG had etched OL’s name on, but I don’t think they sold particularly well. Not because of the name, but they were very late to the party and there had already been a couple large group buys on the copper A01. OL had been working on this for a while, got pretty frustrated with the process and gave up, since that was right around the time when the contact Neil from BG got fired. Later, all of the sudden, BG started advertising the OL A01. OL said it wasn’t authorized and the forum lit up shaming BG for the whole thing and BG finally gave in said they would donate some money for every sale. The whole thing was a mess
Many people donated in other ways like the numerous auctions, the X5 sale, cash, etc… I have a feeling BG just made them available to whomever could sell them. They may even be drop shipping them for FT. Who knows. I doubt we will find out
I notice their status is “Pre-order”. Apparently they don’t even have them in their possession yet.
I wonder if BG is dumping their unsold inventory to FastTech?
You almost can hear OL saying;
“Just another screw up trying to deal with China, It is what it is”
On the other hand if we leave some reviews explaining who he was and why he was legend on FastTech, OL can be more famous.
I know you all might not agree with me. But Old always wanted his name on a light and maybe this is a good thing? People all around the world will have a flashlight with Olds name on it. His legacy will live on. They will buy the light and google Old lumens and find a classic past post and know the man for who he was. A true legend.
I know he was meant to get payment for it. Probably Banggoods supplier had excess stock so they sold it on to another company.
I know you all might not agree with me. But Old always wanted his name on a light and maybe this is a good thing? People all around the world will have a flashlight with Olds name on it. His legacy will live on. They will buy the light and google Old lumens and find a classic past post and know the man for who he was. A true legend.
I know he was meant to get payment for it. Probably Banggoods supplier had excess stock so they sold it on to another company.
I have more invested here than some, having taken over shipping all of the remaining OL custom knives and working with pinkpanda3310 when Justin was too sick to handle it all himself. When it got to that point, Justin asked me to take over shipping the remaining knives. Pinkpanda and I are both taking a break from the auctions but we will resume in the next month or so.
I don’t think these are counterfeit and indeed Mateminco is the factory that produced these lights per the original arrangement made by Justin. That said, I do not like this one bit until I have an explanation and more info. The arrangement was made with BG and they told me that 8% of the profit from each light was going to Justin. That would now be going to his wife Val. There are many complications that I’m not going to get into but I will inquire with the parties at the source of this to see what’s going on. If FT is not planning to send the agreed portion of profits to Mrs. Lumens I will do whatever I can to make sure things are set right.
Thank you Tumbleweed48 for bringing this to my attention. It may be that all is well but until I know for certain I am not liking this…
I saw chinese site (Taobao) selling Mateminco flashlights with the Manker name as shop owner.
I hope FT will reply here after SawMaster’s pm and pays respect to OL, giving the 8% of OL’s flashlight sales to Val.
Dear all,
We have already removed the Old Lumens AO1 from FastTech site. Merchandiser made a mistake and sourced the goods from OEM manufacturer which the item is copyrighted by Banggood.
We have removed the item from listing and there is no sale on Old Lumens since it was posted.
We apologize for the mistake we made and have full respect on original designer who made lots of contribution on Flashlight community.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via PM or in this post.
I sincerely hope someone hasn’t decided to counterfeit this and take advantage of OL’s name.
Redirects to https://www.fasttech.com/category/1601-listing-removed , so it’s been removed.