Banggood will offer a UV-C version of the Astrolux S43 soon!
-> small enough to EDC it and powerful enough to kill some germs ;)
At the moment the samples are at a laboratory to get proof of effectiveness
After that you can get an message or email with the deal details if you participate in the form below ;)
will be added as soon as they are available
please note:
powerful UV-C radiation can be harmful! (it should - or it will not do its purpose)
banggood will add information and gear for your personal protection - READ AND USE!
I wonder how much this one is going to cost. As far as I have heard, UV-C emitters are considerably more expensive than UV-A emitters. This one will certainly need a big sticker or laser engraving saying "Do NOT direct the beam into your eyes". Martin, I wonder if you may want to add a nice deal for special UV-C protection glasses, too. ;-)
Some people may think they don't need to wash hands anymore when using the S43 UV-C edition. :-D
Maybe they put a "Anti-Corona" sticker on the box sayin'..."Swipe it over your hands and they're clean"
I’m interested to see how this turns out, but I’m not interested in buying one.
Based on their promo emails Banggood certainly seems to be trying to cash in on pandemic fears. Are they going to market this as some sort of personal sterilisation tool?
I thought most common optics for LEDs are made from polycarbonate and don’t transmit much UV light, especially down in the UV C range.
I’m not sure I’d trust myself with a high power UV C light, and my flashlight purchases are going to be constrained for a while by the low Aussie dollar for a while anyway.
This will be quite interesting. If you have a chance to get to know what lens they will be using that would be fantastic. This lens could also be useful for UV-A lights with 365/395nm, assumed the spectral filter characteristics will let this wavelength pass like UV-C. Moreover, the beam angle of that lens will be interesting. I would not want to use 60° or more with a UV-C light. 15° or 30° should be more useful to direct the beam to any surface you want to desinfect or penetrate.
20W is what it pulls those produce maybe 50 - 100mw of unfiltered uvc, so if these are filtered hopefully by led, it will most likely perform better even if only 20mw
I think I’ll have to consider my collection complete for the time being. What would be good is a Chinese seller that is based on Chinese Yuan Renminbi (CNY) rather than USD, the fluctuations seem to be much less.
My main interest lies in the ability to detect onter minerals, not in gettinghand cancer.
Signed up though my order will depend on price and specifications.