I bought a stinger back when they first started advertising the C4 led technology. It was a nice light and took every bit of abuse I could give it! It even rode under a car wedged between the exhaust pipe and frame rail for about two weeks, replaced the battery and it worked just fine! An excellent light for the non-flashlight enthusiast. I just wish streamlight would catch up on the higher output that is just about standard now.
True very true. My first light was a standard Stinger in like 2002 with the “xenon” bulb. It’s been dropped from the top of a lift a million times, bathed in oil and coolant pans for extended periods, run over by multiple cars, thrown in anger many times, left it on full blast in a car sitting summer time many times, the damn Rasputin of flashlights. I retired it years ago when I upgraded the head to a LED and it still works. Nice review!
Thanks tru3s1lv3r. Thanks for the reply. I am with you. I had not had one before this. One thing that I respect about this company is that they’ve been in the game since before there really was one. Tactical and law enforcement type flashlight manufacturers are a dime for ten dozen now, but Streamlight, Surefire, Maglite, and Pelican were holding the field all on their own for decades until Cree came along.
Thanks man. I too had this addiction since way back in the incan days when xenon and halogen were the hot buttons and the tiny bulbs inside this type of light was a milestone.