Suggest me a 1x18650 powerfull small EDC

Hi jerry. This post covers the driver options and pro’s/cons of each.

The two digits at the end 5c 7c etc are emitter tints, I suggest reading up on scaru’s emitter thread for all the info on this.

When you ordered the xiozhi, did you go for the 3c tint?

What fastechs convoys offer is the opportunity to experiment with neutral white or warm white tints for not much money, and choose run time (4*7135) over output and overheating (8*7135). It’s a very good buy to be honest. But I would use it as a chance to see if you like neutral or even warm tints over cool white.

Personally, I like 4c myself but I am still experimenting to find my ideal. It does make more of a difference than you’d think, I wouldn’t buy a u2 option as this could just duplicate your recent purchase.

I built the intloutdoor host with a u2, and to be honest, it’ll get pulled soon as I much prefer the tint of my t2 with an xp-g 4c to the 1c of the u2.