Suggestion for a "sleeping light", a moonlight light by your bed while you sleep

Anyone who is afraid of sleeping in the dark, and the house lights are too bright to be turned on throughout the night?

Seeking suggestion for a “sleeping light”, a light that is powered by battery and and be turned on throughout one night’s sleep, and provide just enough illumination to light up an average room?

Perhaps some light that has very low output, or moonlight mode?

Zebralight SC51 has 2.5 lumens, and 0.2 lumens output, and is around what I’m looking for, but it’s too expensive.

As this is a budget forum, I’m sure there are budget alternatives to it, so please give me your suggestions! :bigsmile:

Thanks in advance!

Man I hate sleeping with any lights on… Regardless, if you want something to run regularly in a room wouldn’t it make more sense to buy something that runs off an outlet. Those nightlights for kids are designed for exactly what you’re looking for. If you’re running it every night for the entire night having a battery device would be a pain.

Of course running off mains is good, but I’m seeking one that runs on batteries so I can place it anywhere I want.

dont be afraid, its natural ;)

thrunit ti with moonlight mode

or a thrunite t- 10

t-30 ?

and then eat it to death….

Or look for an E1320 modded UF-2100 with moon mode.

Thrunite T10 is a good and cheap option. The new Olight I3S have moon mode (0.5 lumens) is small only aaa, will last several nights.
The red LED “EA1 explorer” can be useful.

Safelight’s 9V PALight, glow mode (moonlight mode) glows for over a year.

Well priced, I have three for checking on baby Colin at night

I use an Eagletac D25C clicky, but I don’t leave it on all night.

The LED display on my clock/radio/alarm is too much light in the bedroom at night for me... Plenty of light for walking around at night after your eyes have adapted to the dark.

I don't know why they started using blue or green LEDs; red ones were much less intrusive at night.

What you need is a joule-thief...


firefly(0.09lumens 147hours) -> Low (3 lumens, 30hrs )

What about a pak-lite?

I’m a bit of 1xAA moonlight mode collector, and have measure my lights with a DSLR. According to approximate price -

$20 ThuNite T10 XPG - 0.13 > 13 lms
$25 L3 Ill. L10, N219 - 0.03 > 2.5 lms
$45 Eagletac D25A Clicky XML (2012) - 0.3 > 2.5 lms
$55 Foursevens QP (or T)A XPG - 0.2 > 2.5 lms

Their all good and I’d be happy to buy another at their respective prices. I think the T10 is the best value though.

Also have a few Zebras, which are good lights, but I’m not a fan of the company policies and so don’t recommend them.

Sorry in my previous post, I say that the red LED on the EA1 is good for the night.
But I made a Runtime Test with eneloop, the result is disturbing, only 6 hours of Red LED.
I have already been contacted Nitecore, I hope their response

The Preon P0 with it’s full flood and Moonlight/Med modes is really good for this too. The magnet is useful if you have something magnetic (e.g. draw/cupboard handles) you could attach it to.

doingoutdoor had it for $17 a few days ago but I can’t find any of their 4sevens stock anymore for some reason.

Available in 3 or 4 mode:
1,3,30,120 Lumen
3,30,120 Lumen

Runs on (1) AA battery, either Alkaline or NiMh


Meets your “runs all night” spec as well:
firefly(0.09lumens 147hours) -> Low (3 lumens, 30hrs ) -> Medium (30 lumens) —> High (120 lumens, 1.5hrs) -> (Tested with Ni-mh battery with actual capacity 2500mAh)

Damn, now I want one…

As others have already suggested, either a Preon P0 or an L3 Illumination L10. The former is convenient with the magnet, the latter is AA so will last longer.

Ups for more suggestions :party: