I keep a lethermen and a knife in my pocket (as well as shiny rocks) so I need something that holds up pretty well
I don’t need any much through just a lot of flood is what I’m looking for
All my lasers run on CR123a bats so it would be nice to have a light that runs on the same!
I would normally be able to pick out a good light just by reading your wonderful fourm!
but there are just so many little lights _
and i thought picking out a good laser was hard
Some of the folks here have tons of small Every Day Carry (EDC) Lights . Whats your budget? Some can range from $10 to $200! lol Any color preference?
Following is a good link, its from 2012 and a few things have changed. There are a few newer lights out there worth considering.
I just ordered this to do what you are describing. I just got it in and so far love it. And it is 50% off, and allegedly, if you use a “CPF8” code you can get an additional 8% off. For the money, its one of the best EDC lights I have that runs off a CR123 or CR123R battery. Like the rechargeable part. I use my lights every night.
Gotta recommend my favorite EDC ever…the Olight S10. Great runtimes, plenty of floody light, moonlight mode accessible from off, a magnet in the tailcap, a great reversible clip, small, lightweight…does it all. If I had to have only one…this is it for me.
You didn’t give much information so I’ll just go straight to the Sunwayman V11R or maybe the Nitecore SRT3. I own both and both are awesome lights. If you wanted to go more compact than maybe an Eagletac D25C clicky or twisty.
Not sure of your feelings towards clicky vs twisty—
My own experience has had far too many accidental activations with many clikies
I recommend the single cell CR123 Fenix E15 as a small, durable light.
I carry an Eagletac D25C twisty, I have had too many accidental turn ons with a clicky in the pocket. Or maybe it wasn’t an accident, it could be the pocket needed the the light to dial my phone or take a better pocket picture.
If you have an abundance of cr123 primaries, look at the Solarforce Z1. There is a thread in this area about them. Very smooth uniform cylindrical shape with removable pocket clip is perfect for in the pocket carry.
carrying rocks and a leatherman will probally ding up any aluminum anodized light quickly, so im voting for either a Trustfire Mini-01 or Mini-02.
They both are Stainless steel, tougher than the shiny rocks, very bright with the XM-L, and uses CR123’s or 16340s. i abuse one on my key chain for over a year and it still looks new. Also being a twistie there is no rubber switch cap to get torn, cracked, or cut by other pocket weapons. If you get one and modd it with the BLF 3-mode driver ( Hi, Mid, Low) you have a light that will run for over 24 hours on low with a good 16340.
So far the Mini’s are the most durable pocket EDC lights i have used.
I like my “shorty” a Solarforce L2M with an Orange peel reflector and running on 1x123A primary and shining through a Kaidomain AR coated lens, add a deepish bezel to protect the glass and you’re good to go.