yep, its a tight fit but goes in with the thermal pad broken up and crammed in around as best you can.
I’m now just in the process of getting the best out of the focus, fmc reports 300kcd from a dedomed xp-g2 with the focus correct and a few old lumens tricks to get the wires away from the star, check my convoy l2 second iteration thread.
You didn't say if you wanted a thrower, general purpose light or what. I'd say Convoy M1, the L2 if you really want to spend that much. Or go with this hot new light which hasn't been received and reviewed yet.
djozz pushed one a lot harder than 5a and thats what deft x’s run at so I’m happy so far, there are others that have done the same. I was running one at 3a on alu so I’m happy at 5a, plus its quite a nice driver so far.
I just got two of the 5a drivers linked above. both are 3 mode, no plans for 9a drivers as yet, I have another couple of projects planned first, I will be ordering one of their skyray king drivers to try out though.
Well, I just finished a new triple XP-G2 (not on Sinkpad though), using a 3.04a driver from IS, so it seems like I have a lot of headroom, but, there’s no way I could fit a 5A driver into the UF S5 hosts :).