Super rare collectible lights

Hey guys, what would you consider RARE and want 1.

Mine would be the Surefire Porcupine.

Cometa 2016. Autographed by Tom Tom. :open_mouth:


Zebralight SC62w. I want another one in case I lose the one I have.

Copper Old Lumens edition AO1

1 Thank

Maybe this one?

From 1899 and one of the first flashlights. Can you imagine how hard it was to find or buy a battery for this baby back then? There was not a CVS on every corner back then….

I consider this light rare.

Speaking of zebralights… Zebralight S6330

Still kinda amazing it was produced at all


Yeah , I like that one too !

Maglite 7C and 7D, Blue Maglite 3C, Silver Maglite 3C, Red Maglite 2C, Blue Maglite 2C, and many more...

this one 7c ? thats some serious long light lol…. worth tons i guess ? must be very good for home defense swing that giant bat at someone.

Yes, this is a 7C. Are you the lucky owner? If you don't need it anymore let me know.

For home defense I have my Maglite 6D with 6 spikes around the head, SS bezel and glass breaker tailcap.

Me too - unfortunately alkaleaks have destroyed it, reflector and all. I have not even opened it up to try and clear out the muck, since an upgrade would not likely be worth the cost to me and I will never buy 6xD cells to put in one light again, so I would also need to adapt to take 18650/26650 or similar.

A project for a couple of rainy weekends I guess, one to strip, another to try and adapt something into it, as I will never throw it out, it was a prized possession for over 20 years and a gift from my wife in our early days. I could probably pack a whole survival kit into it, light, charger/power-bank, spare batteries, knife, rations, space blanket, micro-towel, raincoat, cooking kit etc.

The people from USA seems To not To have any problem in finding maglites in the stores… How lucky!

No no no, that’s glass broker, and brick smaher!

Zebralight Q50

Is that with a neck holster, so it doesn’t drag over the ground? :slight_smile:

Arc AA

I think Liteflux lights like the LF2XT still have good value.

I’d like one of those.

Hanko, Okluma and Hanko.
