From 1899 and one of the first flashlights. Can you imagine how hard it was to find or buy a battery for this baby back then? There was not a CVS on every corner back then….
Me too - unfortunately alkaleaks have destroyed it, reflector and all. I have not even opened it up to try and clear out the muck, since an upgrade would not likely be worth the cost to me and I will never buy 6xD cells to put in one light again, so I would also need to adapt to take 18650/26650 or similar.
A project for a couple of rainy weekends I guess, one to strip, another to try and adapt something into it, as I will never throw it out, it was a prized possession for over 20 years and a gift from my wife in our early days. I could probably pack a whole survival kit into it, light, charger/power-bank, spare batteries, knife, rations, space blanket, micro-towel, raincoat, cooking kit etc.