Everyone is aware of the pandemic out there. Many of the smaller companies that are active in these communities and have supported your hobby for years. If you have the means, now would be a great time to put in an order to show your support.
Stocking up on batteries and lights should be at least as important as stocking up on toilet paper.
Shops to support:
- Illumn is still shipping
- 18650 Canada is still shipping
- Mountain Electronics is still shipping
- Killzone Flashlights is still shipping
- Best Light
If you can think of any other small shops to help out, let me know so I can add them to the list.
I understand many individuals are of course impacted by the pandemic as well, financially, emotionally, and in many other ways. I hope everyone in the community is safe and healthy, but if you don't currently have the means then don't put yourself at risk to support a shop you like. Stay safe everyone!