Surefire's Attempt At The Nitecore Tube?

Not much info yet but it looks more at home with car keys!! If its around the same price as the tube I wouldn’t mind getting one but I doubt it. I can foresee it’ll be in excess of $60

Can’t imagine being wrong here…

300 Lumen! My estimate is three lumen per dollar on this, so a MSRP of $99…

We should start a pool here, winner gets a Nitecore tube…

300 lumen… impressive, but looks like my car keys :bigsmile:

$99? No way, that’s way too much.
If it would be made out of aluminum or stainless steel - maybe, but not a cheap LiPo, an XP-G2 and some cheap plastic case.

My guess is $24.99 because of 300 Lumen

IMPOSSIBLE! Their keychain lights cost more than a Convoy!

We are talking about the APPLE of flashlight here so it must be expensive :wink:

Does it come with strobe? :wink:

My guess is 97 USD, battery included (and maybe a membership on the other forum)

probably uses a led from 1997 and costs $99

Das right!

$79.95 (plus tax, title, registration, insurance, dealer prep, origination fees, and shipping which add up to more than the original cost) :stuck_out_tongue: Plastic at the ring doesn’t look too durable but it has 3 whole modes, ’bling’, and 300 lumens (for at least a short time, hopefully not Chinese ones) so who cares what it costs? If you don’t get one you don’t fit in here.

Oh wait, I’m on BLF, not ‘over there’ :zipper_mouth_face: My bad, sorry!


Talk about little info. Is there any information beside the one picture?

I am going to guess that it’s actually aluminum. Provides more reason for a high price. There is a line in the shell near the very front. I’m guessing the very front is part of the bottom half, which is the reason for the line.

All joking aside I wonder how they managed to fit an XPG or XPL in the plastic casing and not melt it… The price might be stupidly high but we can’t deny it is bright for SF standards, well IF is really produces 300 lumens and not 30, could it be a typo?

But is there anything saying it’s plastic?

Judging by the texture and the way the button is attached it looks like plastic, but could be aluminum as well.

After A bit more researching I will assume they are using the same light engine from their 2211X wrist flashlight, which is also 300 lumens.\_=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00

$70…. :expressionless:

No flap at the micro usb connector :party:

OK, it is made out aluminum - but for 70$ I get 2 Convoys, 4 batteries and a good charger… AND a NiteCore Tube :smiley:

No, polymer (plastic)