Swapping parts between FWAA, SP10 Pro and TS10

I think that might be a double typo, and driver should say mcpcb

“Because the TS10’s driver mcpcb is substantially thinner than the FWAA’s driver mcpcb,”

I dont think anybody has put a TS10 driver in a FWAA…

afaik the TS10 driver does not work w the FWAA tailswitch and body tubes, they are wired backwards…

iow, the Fwaa inner outer body tube is negative, but the TS10 inner body tube is positive negative

edit: thanks to INeedMoreLumens for the corrected body tube polarity details

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I’m not sure if this was changed in the TS10 v2 but on the TS10 v1 the inner tube is negative and on the FWAA the outer tube is negative.

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This is correct. I wrote “driver” when I meant to write “star”.

The TS10 and FWAA’s drivers are not easily swapped. My vague recollection is this is because the FWAA uses the interior tube for the switch and the exterior switch for main current. The TS10 is wired the opposite with the inner tube used for main current and the outer body for the switch.

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:man_facepalming:t3: :man_facepalming:t3: :man_facepalming:t3: :man_facepalming:t3: :man_facepalming:t3:

This means that
a) I missed some crucial information along the time, regarding the incompatibility of these components of both flashlights
b) I ordered drivers to make a mod that won’t happen
c) Firelight2’s post needs to be corrected to avoid further mistakes.

Thank you very much for the clarification and explanation !! Always on spot my friend :+1:t3:

Thanks for confirming/correcting the information! :+1:t3:

Thanks for confirming the information above too.
As for your post, can you please correct it and name it accordingly so that other (unwary) people follow the same mistake? It would be much appreciated. :wink:
And for your words I assume that it is really almost impossible to use that driver on the FWAA host, right?

This said, is there any place or someone that sells “ready to use” drivers for the FWAA that can be flashed (3 pins) without having to do a circus of programming wires and devices everywhere?

Thanks again for the help folks :beer:

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not that Im aware of

maybe ask thefreeman if he can find the time to build you one of his FWAA drivers :wink:

while you are waiting, consider buying a Wurkkos TS10 :wink:

Zwerglein02 offers an mcpcb w RGB and 519a capability… you might also be able to buy a modded TS10 from him.

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Corrected the erroneous wording in my post to replace “driver” with “star”.

Using the TS10 driver on an FWAA host can probably be done, but I think the switch board would need to be rewired as you need the switch button to close the circuit on the outer channel not the inner one.

It might be possible to do this by using a TS10 switch board instead of an FWAA switch board, but I can’t be sure as I haven’t looked into this myself.

Thefreeman has made a very nice regulated FWAA driver, though it is quite complicated and hard to assemble.

I’ve been working on an FWAA-T1616 1+FET driver that attempts to use as many stock components as possible, only needing a new MCU and FET. It uses the TS10 hex file, though it might need some slight callibration, as the voltage fudge factor is different, so it would be reading 0.1v high

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Thanks for the information @jon_slider :wink: In case I cannot mod the FWAA with the TS10 driver, I will consider asking thefreeman about his drivers! Good suggestion :+1:

I have 2 of them already, the TS10 has been my EDC for some months now, I got another on (v2) in the last weeks, and I want to get a new one to be trendy and mod into a single led light :innocent: I really love the TS10!!!

Thank you very much @Firelight2 , for the correction and for the suggestion! :wink:
It is a bit challenging to make it happen, because of the differences you and others mentioned (current and signal) but I am trying to make some progress with the TS10 switch!
It seems like it needs several steps to tune it perfectly, though! But that was a great tip and I will dig it further :wink:

Thanks @YBF650 ! Assembling is a no-go for me since I have no tools and no expertise in doing so, hence my question about ready to use drivers.

In any case, I will proceed with my attemps with the drivers I have now, and if it fails, maybe I will resort to your and jon_slider’s suggestions !

Thank you all, once again!! :+1:

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Very glad you have TS10 options.

I hope your FWAA project comes together also.
fwiw, Toykeeper has created new firware for it, using thefreeman’s driver:

I was just reading the Anduril change log, it says:
2023-10-31 New lights:

thefreeman-boost-fwaa: Added. (1632) (very nice AA/li-ion HDR boost driver which fits into a FWAA)

I hope youre enjoying a beautiful Spring Time :wink:

I really like this little light :wink:

That’s 2 of us, but it will depending on having spare switches of the TS10 V1. Let’s see how it ends. I’ll post if/when I manage to do that :wink: Thanks for encouraging!

You too my friend :wink:
Seems like the rain is over now and temps will go higher in the next days, so spring is “re-arriving” :wink: Enjoy and thanks for the support!

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