Take chance to win two chargers-Allmaybe giveaways Winners announced!

Part 1 - done
Part 2
Liitokala Lii-500 my car charger

What are you waiting for?

This one :

Waiting for more friends join us, waiting to see who are lucky to win the chargers. :wink:

The three lucky winners are raccoon city, RobertB and XXX-Man! Congratulations!

I won something... Sweet!

Thanks for the giveaway, Allmaybe!

Congrats RobertB & XXX-Man!

First time I won something :slight_smile:

Thank you Allmaybe!

Congratulations raccoon city and RobertB!

Got my Allmaybe CU6 charger today :slight_smile:

Will post pictures and some info when I get a chance to test it better.